Sharp inequalities for one-sided Muckenhoupt weights

Abstract in English

Let $A_infty ^+$ denote the class of one-sided Muckenhoupt weights, namely all the weights $w$ for which $mathsf M^+:L^p(w)to L^{p,infty}(w)$ for some $p>1$, where $mathsf M^+$ is the forward Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator. We show that $win A_infty ^+$ if and only if there exist numerical constants $gammain(0,1)$ and $c>0$ such that $$ w({x in mathbb{R} : , mathsf M ^+mathbf 1_E (x)>gamma})leq c w(E) $$ for all measurable sets $Esubset mathbb R$. Furthermore, letting $$ mathsf C_w ^+(alpha):= sup_{0<w(E)<+infty} frac{1}{w(E)} w({xinmathbb R:,mathsf M^+mathbf 1_E (x)>alpha}) $$ we show that for all $win A_infty ^+$ we have the asymptotic estimate $mathsf C_w ^+ (alpha)-1lesssim (1-alpha)^frac{1}{c[w]_{A_infty ^+}}$ for $alpha$ sufficiently close to $1$ and $c>0$ a numerical constant, and that this estimate is best possible. We also show that the reverse Holder inequality for one-sided Muckenhoupt weights, previously proved by Martin-Reyes and de la Torre, is sharp, thus providing a quantitative equivalent definition of $A_infty ^+$. Our methods also allow us to show that a weight $win A_infty ^+$ satisfies $win A_p ^+$ for all $p>e^{c[w]_{A_infty ^+}}$.
