Hyperons in neutron stars and supernova cores

Abstract in English

The properties of compact stars and their formation processes depend on many physical ingredients. The composition and the thermodynamics of the involved matter is one of them. We will investigate here uniform strongly interacting matter at densities and temperatures, where potentially other components than free nucleons appear such as hyperons, mesons or even quarks. In this paper we will put the emphasis on two aspects of stellar matter with non-nucleonic degrees of freedom. First, we will study the phase diagram of baryonic matter with strangeness, showing that the onset of hyperons, as that of quark matter, could be related to a very rich phase structure with a large density domain covered by phase coexistence. Second, we will investigate thermal effects on the equation of state (EoS), showing that they favor the appearance of non-nucleonic particles. We will finish by reviewing some recent results on the impact of non-nucleonic degrees freedom in compact star mergers and core-collapse events, where thermal effects cannot be neglected.
