Asymptotically extrinsic tamed submanifolds

Abstract in English

We study, from the extrinsic point of view, the structure at infinity of open submanifolds isometrically immersed in the real space forms of constant sectional curvature $kappa leq 0$. We shall use the decay of the second fundamental form of the the so-called tamed immersions to obtain a description at infinity of the submanifold in the line of the structural results in the papers Internat. Math. Res. Notices 1994, no. 9, authored by R. E. Greene, P. Petersen and S. Zhou and Math. Ann. 2001, 321 (4), authored by A. Petrunin and W. Tuschmann. We shall obtain too an estimation from below of the number of its ends in terms of the volume growth of a special class of extrinsic domains, the extrinsic balls.
