Estimation of intraband and interband relative coupling constants from temperature dependences of the order parameter for two-gap superconductors

Abstract in English

We present temperature dependences of the large and the small superconducting gaps measured directly by SnS-Andreev spectroscopy in various Fe-based superconductors and MgB$_2$. The experimental $Delta_{L,S}(T)$ are well-fitted with a two-gap model based on Moskalenko and Suhl system of equations (supplemented with a BCS-integral renormalization). From the the fitting procedure, we estimate the key attribute of superconducting state textemdash relative electron-boson coupling constants and eigen BCS-ratios for both condensates. Our results evidence for a driving role of a strong intraband coupling in the bands with the large gap, whereas interband coupling is rather weak for all the superconductors under study.
