Enhanced spin-dependent parity non-conservation effect in the $7s {}^2S_{1/2} to 6d {}^2D_{5/2}$ transition in Fr: A possibility for unambiguous detection of nuclear anapole moment

Abstract in English

Employing the relativistic coupled-cluster method, comparative studies of the parity non-conserving electric dipole amplitudes for the $7s ^2S_{1/2} rightarrow 6d ^2D_{5/2}$ transitions in $^{210}$Fr and $^{211}$Fr isotopes have been carried out. It is found that these transition amplitudes, sensitive only to the nuclear spin dependent effects, are enhanced by more than 3 orders compared to the low-lying $S-D_{5/2}$ transitions in Ba$^+$ and Ra$^+$ owing to the very large contributions from the electron core-polarization effects in Fr. This translates to a relatively large and, in principle, measurable induced light shift, which would be a signature of nuclear spin dependent parity nonconservation that is dominated by the nuclear anapole moment in a heavy atom like Fr. A plausible scheme to measure this quantity using the Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center (CYRIC) facility at Tohoku University has been outlined.
