Understanding of Genetic Code Degeneracy and New Way of Classifying of Protein Family: A Mathematical Approach

Abstract in English

The genetic code is the set of rules by which information encoded in genetic material (DNA or RNA sequences) is translated into proteins (amino acid sequences) by living cells. The code defines a mapping between tri-nucleotide sequences, called codons, and amino acids. Since there are 20 amino acids and 64 possible tri-nucleotide sequences, more than one among these 64 triplets can code for a single amino acid which incorporates the problem of degeneracy. This manuscript explains the underlying logic of degeneracy of genetic code based on a mathematical point of view using a parameter named Impression. Classification of protein family is also a long standing problem in the field of Bio-chemistry and Genomics. Proteins belonging to a particular class have some similar bio-chemical properties which are of utmost importance for new drug design. Using the same parameter Impression and using graph theoretic properties we have also devised a new way of classifying a protein family.
