adaQN: An Adaptive Quasi-Newton Algorithm for Training RNNs

Abstract in English

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are powerful models that achieve exceptional performance on several pattern recognition problems. However, the training of RNNs is a computationally difficult task owing to the well-known vanishing/exploding gradient problem. Algorithms proposed for training RNNs either exploit no (or limited) curvature information and have cheap per-iteration complexity, or attempt to gain significant curvature information at the cost of increased per-iteration cost. The former set includes diagonally-scaled first-order methods such as ADAGRAD and ADAM, while the latter consists of second-order algorithms like Hessian-Free Newton and K-FAC. In this paper, we present adaQN, a stochastic quasi-Newton algorithm for training RNNs. Our approach retains a low per-iteration cost while allowing for non-diagonal scaling through a stochastic L-BFGS updating scheme. The method uses a novel L-BFGS scaling initialization scheme and is judicious in storing and retaining L-BFGS curvature pairs. We present numerical experiments on two language modeling tasks and show that adaQN is competitive with popular RNN training algorithms.
