Micromagnetic simulations with periodic boundary conditions: Hard-soft nanocomposites

Abstract in English

We developed a micromagnetic method for modeling magnetic systems with periodic boundary conditions along an arbitrary number of dimensions. The main feature is an adaptation of the Ewald summation technique for evaluation of long-range dipolar interactions. The method was applied to investigate the hysteresis process in hard-soft magnetic nanocomposites with various geometries. The dependence of the results on different micromagnetic parameters was studied. We found that for layered structures with an out-of-plane hard phase easy axis the hysteretic properties are very sensitive to the strength of the interlayer exchange coupling, as long as the spontaneous magnetization for the hard phase is significantly smaller than for the soft phase. The origin of this behavior was discussed. Additionally, we investigated the soft phase size optimizing the energy product of hard-soft nanocomposites.
