Statistical Analysis of Bus Networks in India

Abstract in English

Through the past decade the field of network science has established itself as a common ground for the cross-fertilization of exciting inter-disciplinary studies which has motivated researchers to model almost every physical system as an interacting network consisting of nodes and links. Although public transport networks such as airline and railway networks have been extensively studied, the status of bus networks still remains in obscurity. In developing countries like India, where bus networks play an important role in day-to-day commutation, it is of significant interest to analyze its topological structure and answer some of the basic questions on its evolution, growth, robustness and resiliency. In this paper, we model the bus networks of major Indian cities as graphs in textit{L}-space, and evaluate their various statistical properties using concepts from network science. Our analysis reveals a wide spectrum of network topology with the common underlying feature of small-world property. We observe that the networks although, robust and resilient to random attacks are particularly degree-sensitive. Unlike real-world networks, like Internet, WWW and airline, which are virtual, bus networks are physically constrained. The presence of various geographical and economic constraints allow these networks to evolve over time. Our findings therefore, throw light on the evolution of such geographically and socio-economically constrained networks which will help us in designing more efficient networks in the future.
