Impact of Ni doping on critical parameters of PdTe type-II BCS superconductor

Abstract in English

We report the impact of Ni doping on superconductivity of PdTe superconductor. The superconducting parameters like critical temperature (Tc), upper critical field (Hc2) and normalized specific-heat jump are reported for Ni doped Pd1-xNixTe. The samples of series Pd1-xNixTe with nominal compositions x=0, .01, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3 and 1.0 are synthesized via solid state reaction route. All the studied samples of series Pd1-xNixTe (x = 0.0 to 1.0) are crystallized in hexagonal crystal structure within the space group P63/mmc. Unit cell volume shrinks almost linearly upon Ni doping in Pd1-xNixTe. The normal state residual resistivity increases with Ni substitution on Pd site. Both the electrical resistivity and magnetic measurements revealed that Tc decreases with increase of Ni concentration in Pd1-xNixTe and is not observed down to 2K for x=0.30 i.e., 30% of Ni doping at Pd site. Interestingly, this is unusual for magnetic Ni doping in a known type-II BCS type superconductor. Magnetic Ni must suppress the superconductivity much faster. Interestingly, the isothermal magnetization measurements for NiTe revealed that Ni is non-magnetic in Pd1-xNixTe structure and hence the Tc depression is mainly due to disorder. The magneto-transport measurements revealed that flux is better pinned for 20% Ni doped PdTe as compared to other compositions of Pd1-xNixTe. The magnetic field dependence of specific heat of Pd1-xNixTe for x=0.01 was studied and the estimated value of the normalized specific-heat jump,is found to be 1.42, which is under BCS weak-coupling limit. Summarily, we report the impact of Ni doping in Pd1-xNixTe superconductor and conclude that Ni substitutes at Pd site, suppress superconductivity moderately and is of non magnetic nature in this system. To best of our knowledge this is the first study on Ni substitution in PdTe superconductor.
