Flavour Changing Higgs Couplings in a Class of Two Higgs Doublet Models

Abstract in English

We analyse various flavour changing processes like $tto hu,hc$, $hto tau e,taumu$ as well as hadronic decays $hto bs,bd$, in the framework of a class of two Higgs doublet models where there are flavour changing neutral scalar currents at tree level. These models have the remarkable feature of having these flavour-violating couplings entirely determined by the CKM and PMNS matrices as well as $tanbeta$. The flavour structure of these scalar currents results from a symmetry of the Lagrangian and therefore it is natural and stable under the renormalization group. We show that in some of the models the rates of the above flavour changing processes can reach the discovery level at the LHC at 13 TeV even taking into account the stringent bounds on low energy processes, in particular $muto egamma$.
