Magnetic-field Induced Interconversion of Cooper Pairs and Density Wave States within Cuprate Composite Order

Abstract in English

Recent studies establish that the cuprate pseudogap phase is susceptible at low temperatures to forming not only a $d$-symmetry superconducting (SC) state, but also a $d$-symmetry form factor (dFF) density wave (DW) state. The concurrent emergence of such distinct and unusual states from the pseudogap motivates theories that they are intertwined i.e derived from a quantum composite of dissimilar broken-symmetry orders. Some composite order theories predict that the balance between the different components can be altered, for example at superconducting vortex cores. Here, we introduce sublattice phase-resolved electronic structure imaging as a function of magnetic field and find robust dFF DW states induced at each vortex. They are predominantly unidirectional and co-oriented (nematic), exhibiting strong spatial-phase coherence. At each vortex we also detect the field-induced conversion of the SC to DW components and demonstrate that this occurs at precisely the eight momentum-space locations predicted in many composite order theories. These data provided direct microscopic evidence for the existence of composite order in the cuprates, and new indications of how the DW state becomes long-range ordered in high magnetic fields.
