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Constraining the double gluon distribution by the single gluon distribution

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 Added by Anna Stasto
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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We show how to consistently construct initial conditions for the QCD evolution equations for double parton distribution functions in the pure gluon case. We use to momentum sum rule for this purpose and a specific form of the known single gluon distribution function in the MSTW parameterization. The resulting double gluon distribution satisfies exactly the momentum sum rule and is parameter free. We also study numerically its evolution with a hard scale and show the approximate factorization into product of two single gluon distributions at small values of x, whereas at large values of x the factorization is always violated in agreement with the sum rule.

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Using momentum sum rule for evolution equations for Double Parton Distribution Functions (DPDFs) in the leading logarithmic approximation, we find that the double gluon distribution function can be uniquely constrained via the single gluon distribution function. We also study numerically its evolution with a hard scale and show that an approximately factorized ansatz into the product of two single gluon distributions performs quite well at small values of $x$ but is always violated for larger values, as expected.
We present detailed numerical analysis of the unintegrated double gluon distribution which includes the dependence on the transverse momenta of partons. The unintegrated double gluon distribution was obtained following the Kimber-Martin-Ryskin method as a convolution of the perturbative gluon splitting function with the collinear integrated double gluon distribution and the Sudakov form factors. We analyze the dependence on the transverse momenta, longitudinal momentum fractions and hard scales. We find that the unintegrated gluon distribution factorizes into a product of two single unintegrated gluon distributions in the region of small values of $x$, provided the splitting contribution is included and the momentum sum rule is satisfied.
Motivated by the desire to understand the nucleon mass structure in terms of light-cone distributions, we introduce the twist-four parton distribution function $F(x)$ whose first moment is the gluon condensate in the nucleon. We present the equation of motion relations for $F(x)$ and discuss the possible existence of the delta function (`zero mode) contribution at $x=0$. We also perform one-loop calculations for quark and gluon targets.
122 - Jon Pumplin , J. Huston , H.L. Lai 2009
Inclusive jet production data are important for constraining the gluon distribution in the global QCD analysis of parton distribution functions. With the addition of recent CDF and D0 Run II jet data, we study a number of issues that play a role in determining the up-to-date gluon distribution and its uncertainty, and produce a new set of parton distributions that make use of that data. We present in detail the general procedures used to study the compatibility between new data sets and the previous body of data used in a global fit. We introduce a new method in which the Hessian matrix for uncertainties is ``rediagonalized to obtain eigenvector sets that conveniently characterize the uncertainty of a particular observable.
64 - L. Frankfurt 2016
We explore the theoretical observation that within the leading twist approximation, the nuclear effects of shadowing and antishadowing in non-perturbative nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs) at the input QCD evolution scale involve diffraction on nucleons of a nuclear target and originate from merging of two parton ladders belonging to two different nucleons, which are close in the rapidity space. It allows us to propose that for a given momentum fraction $x_P$ carried by the diffractive exchange, nuclear shadowing and antishadowing should compensate each other in the momentum sum rule for nPDFs locally on the interval $ln (x/x_P) le 1$. We realize this by constructing an explicit model of nuclear gluon antishadowing, which has a wide support in $x$, $10^{-4} < x < 0.2$, peaks at $x=0.05-0.1$ at the level of $approx 15$% for $^{208}$Pb at $Q_0^2=4$ GeV$^2$ and rather insignificantly depends on details of the model. We also studied the impact parameter $b$ dependence of antishadowing and found it to be slow.
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