General transformation of alpha cluster model wave function to jj-coupling shell model in various 4N nuclei

Abstract in English

The antisymmetrized quasi-cluster model (AQCM) is a method to describe a transition from the alpha-cluster wave function to the jj-coupling shell model wave function. In this model, the cluster-shell transition is characterized by only two parameters; R representing the distance between alpha clusters and Lambda describing the breaking of alpha clusters, and the contribution of the spin-orbit interaction, very important in the jj-coupling shell model, can be taken into account starting with the alpha cluster model wave function. In this article we show the generality of AQCM by extending the application to heavier region; various 4N nuclei from 4He to 52Fe. We show and compare the energy curves for the alpha+40Ca cluster configuration calculated with and without alpha breaking effect in 44Ti.
