On the Physical Nature of the Source of Ultraluminous X-ray Pulsations

Abstract in English

To reconcile the observed unusual high luminosity of NuSTAR X-ray pulsations from M82X-2 with the most extreme violation of the Eddington limit, and in view that the persistent X-ray radiation from M82X-2 almost precludes the possibility of common pulsars, we tackle the problem by the implications of {em microscopic theory of black hole} (MTBH). The preceding developments of MTBH are proved to be quite fruitful for the physics of ultra-high energy (UHE) cosmic-rays. Namely, replacing a central singularity by the infrastructures inside event horizon, subject to certain rules, MTBH explains the origin of ZeV-neutrinos which are of vital interest for the source of UHE-particles. The M82X-2 is assumed to be a spinning intermediate mass black hole resided in final stage of growth. As a corollary, the thermal blackbody X-ray emission arisen due to the rotational kinetic energy of black hole escapes from event horizon through the vista to outside world that detected as ultraluminous X-ray pulsations. The M82X-2 indeed releases $sim 99.6%$ of its pulsed radiative energy predominantly in the X-ray bandpass $0.3-30$ keV. We derive a pulse profile and give a quantitative account of energetics and orbital parameters of the semi-detached X-ray binary containing a primary accretor M82X-2 of inferred mass $Msimeq 138.5-226,M_{odot}$ and secondary massive, $M_{2}> 48.3- 64.9,M_{odot}$, O/B-type donor star with radius of $R> 22.1- 25.7,R_{odot}$, respectively. We compute the torque added to M82X-2 per unit mass of accreted matter which yields the measured spin-up rate.
