Non-Dirac topological surface states in (SnTe)$_{ngeq2}$(Bi$_2$Te$_3$)$_{m=1}$

Abstract in English

A new type of topological spin-helical surface states was discovered in layered van der Waals bonded (SnTe)$_{n=2,3}$(Bi$_2$Te$_3$)$_{m=1}$ compounds which comprise two covalently bonded band inverted subsystems, SnTe and Bi$_2$Te$_3$, within a building block. This novel topological states demonstrate non-Dirac dispersion within the band gap. The dispersion of the surface state has two linear sections of different slope with shoulder feature between them. Such a dispersion of the topological surface state enables effective switch of the velocity of topological carriers by means of applying an external electric field.
