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Aging effect in the BESIII drift chamber

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 Added by Mingyi Dong
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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As the main tracking detector of BESIII, the drift chamber works for accurate measurements of the tracking and the momentum of the charged particles decayed from the reaction of BEPCII e+ and e-. After operation six years, the drift chamber is suffering from aging problems due to huge beam related background. The gains of the cells in the first ten layers experience an obvious decrease, reaching a maximum of about 29% for the first layer cells. Two calculation methods for the gains change (Bhabha events and accumulated charges with 0.3% aging ratio for inner chamber cells) get almost the same results. For the Malter effect encountered by the inner drift chamber in Jan., 2012, about 0.2% water vapor was added to MDC gas mixture to solve this cathode aging problem. These results provide an important reference for MDC operation high voltage setting and the upgrade of the inner drift chamber.

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The MEG experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institut searches for the charged-Lepton-Flavor-Violating mu+ -> e+ gamma decay. MEG has already set the world best upper limit on the branching ratio: BR<4.2x10^-13 @ 90% C.l. An upgrade (MEG II) of the whole detector has been approved to obtain a substantial increase of sensitivity. Currently MEG II is completing the upgrade of the various detectors, an engineering run and a pre-commissioning run were carried out during 2018 and 2019. The new positron tracker is a unique volume, ultra-light He based cylindrical drift chamber (CDCH), with high granularity: 9 layers of 192 square drift cells, ~6-9 mm wide, consist of ~12000 wires in a full stereo configuration. To ensure the electrostatic stability of the drift cells a new wiring strategy should be developed due to the high wire density (12 wires/cm^2 ), the stringent precision requirements on the wire position and uniformity of the wire mechanical tension (better than 0.5 g) The basic idea is to create multiwire frames, by soldering a set of (16 or 32) wires on 40 um thick custom wire-PCBs. Multiwire frames and PEEK spacers are overlapped alternately along the radius, to set the proper cell width, in each of the twelve sectors defined by the spokes of the rudder wheel shaped end-plates. Despite to the conceptual simplicity of the assembling strategies, the building of the multiwire frames, with the set requirements, imposes a use of an automatic wiring system. The MEG II CDCH is the first cylindrical drift chamber ever designed and built in a modular way and it will allow to track positrons, with a momentum greater than 45 MeV/c, with high efficiency by using a very small amount of material, 1.5x10^-3 X0 . We describe the CDCH design and construction, the wiring phase at INFN-Lecce, the choice of the wires, their mechanical properties, the assembly and sealing at INFN-Pisa and the commissioning.
This article presents the MEG II Cylindrical Drift CHamber (CDCH), a key detector for the phase 2 of MEG, which aims at reaching a sensitivity level of the order of $6 times 10^{-14}$ for the charged Lepton Flavour Violating $mu^+ rightarrow mbox{e}^+ gamma$ decay. CDCH is designed to overcome the limitations of the MEG $mbox{e}^+$ tracker and guarantee the proper operation at high rates with long-term detector stability. CDCH is a low-mass unique volume detector with high granularity: 9 layers of 192 drift cells, few mm wide, defined by $approx 12000$ wires in a stereo configuration for longitudinal hit localization. The total radiation length is $1.5 times 10^{-3}$ $mbox{X}_0$, thus minimizing the Multiple Coulomb Scattering (MCS) contribution and allowing for a single-hit resolution of 110 $mu$m and a momentum resolution of 130 keV/c. CDCH integration into the MEG II experimental apparatus will start in this year.
The MEG-II experiment searches for the lepton flavor violating decay: mu in electron and gamma. The reconstruction of the positron trajectory uses a cylindrical drift chamber operated with a mixture of He and iC4H10 gas. It is important to provide a stable performance of the detector in terms of its electron transport parameters, avalanche multiplication, composition and purity of the gas mixture. In order to have a continuous monitoring of the quality of gas, we plan to install a small drift chamber, with a simple geometry that allows to measure very precisely the electron drift velocity in a prompt way. This monitoring chamber will be supplied with gas coming from the inlet and the outlet of the detector to determine if gas contaminations originate inside the main chamber or in the gas supply system. The chamber is a small box with cathode walls, that define a highly uniform electric field inside two adjacent drift cells. Along the axis separating the two drift cells, four staggered sense wires alternated with five guard wires collect the drifting electrons. The trigger is provided by two 90Sr weak calibration radioactive sources placed on top of a two thin scintillator tiles telescope. The whole system is designed to give a prompt response (within a minute) about drift velocity variations at the 0.001 level.
The Central Drift Chamber is a straw-tube wire chamber of cylindrical structure located surrounding the target inside the bore of the GlueX spectrometer solenoid. Its purpose is to detect and track charged particles with momenta as low as 0.25 GeV/c as well as to identify low-momentum protons via energy loss. The construction of the detector is described and its operation and calibration are discussed in detail. The design goal of 150 microns in position resolution has been reached.
105 - C. Wu , T.S. Wong , Y. Kuno 2021
The performance of a small prototype of a cylindrical drift chamber (CDC) used in the COMET Phase-I experiment was studied by using an electron beam. The prototype chamber was constructed with alternating all-stereo wire configuration and operated with the He-iC$_{4}$H$_{10}$ (90/10) gas mixture without a magnetic field. The drift space-time relation, drift velocity, d$E$/d$x$ resolution, hit efficiency, and spatial resolution as a function of distance from the wire were investigated. The average spatial resolution of 150 $mu$m with the hit efficiency of 99% was obtained at applied voltages higher than 1800 V. We have demonstrated that the design and gas mixture of the prototype match the operation of the COMET CDC.
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