Some conclusive considerations on the comparison of the ICARUS nu_mu to nu_e oscillation search with the MiniBooNE low-energy event excess

Abstract in English

A sensitive search for anomalous LSND-like nu_mu to nu_e oscillations has been performed by the ICARUS Collaboration exposing the T600 LAr-TPC to the CERN to Gran Sasso (CNGS) neutrino beam. The result is compatible with the absence of additional anomalous contributions giving a limit to oscillation probability of 3.4E-3 and 7.6E-3 at 90% and 99% confidence levels respectively showing a tension between these new limits and the low-energy event excess (200 < E_nu QE < 475 MeV) reported by MiniBooNE Collaboration. A more detailed comparison of the ICARUS data with the MiniBooNE low-energy excess has been performed, including the energy resolution as obtained from the official MiniBooNE data release. As a result the previously reported tension is confirmed at 90% C.L., suggesting an unexplained nature or an otherwise instrumental effect for the MiniBooNE low energy event excess
