Deep near-infrared adaptive optics observations of a young embedded cluster at the edge of the RCW 41 HII region

Abstract in English

We investigate the star formation activity in a young star forming cluster embedded at the edge of the RCW 41 HII region. As a complementary goal, we aim at demonstrating the gain provided by Wide-Field Adaptive Optics instruments to study young clusters. We used deep, JHKs images from the newly commissioned Gemini-GeMS/GSAOI instrument, complemented with Spitzer IRAC observations, in order to study the photometric properties of the young stellar cluster. GeMS is an AO instrument, delivering almost diffraction limited images over a field of 2 across. The exquisite angular resolution allows us to reach a limiting magnitude of J = 22 for 98% completeness. The combination of the IRAC photometry with our JHKs catalog is used to build color-color diagrams, and select Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) candidates. We detect the presence of 80 Young Stellar Object (YSO) candidates. Those YSOs are used to infer the cluster age, which is found to be in the range 1 to 5 Myr. We find that 1/3 of the YSOs are in a range between 3 to 5 Myr, while 2/3 of the YSO are < 3 Myr. When looking at the spatial distribution of these two populations, we evidence a potential age gradient across the field, suggesting sequential star formation. We construct the IMF, and show that we can sample the mass distribution well into the brown dwarf regime (down to 0.01 Msun). The logarithmic mass function rises to peak at 0.3 Msun, before turning over and declining into the brown dwarf regime. The total cluster mass derived is estimated to be 78 +/- 18 Msun, while the ratio of brown dwarfs to star derived is 18 p/- 5 %. When comparing with other young clusters, we find that the IMF shape of the young cluster embedded within RCW 41 is consistent with those of Trapezium, IC 348 or Chamaeleon I, except for the IMF peak, which happens to be at higher mass. This characteristic is also seen in clusters like NGC 6611 or even Taurus.
