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On the radio properties of the intermediate-mass black hole candidate ESO 243-49 HLX-1

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 Added by David Cseh
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present follow-up radio observations of ESO 243-49 HLX-1 from 2012 using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). We report the detection of radio emission at the location of HLX-1 during its hard X-ray state using the ATCA. Assuming that the `Fundamental Plane of accreting black holes is applicable, we provide an independent estimate of the black hole mass of $M_{rm{BH}}leq2.8^{+7.5}_{-2.1} times 10^{6}$ M$_{odot}$ at 90% confidence. However, we argue that the detected radio emission is likely to be Doppler-boosted and our mass estimate is an upper limit. We discuss other possible origins of the radio emission such as being due to a radio nebula, star formation, or later interaction of the flares with the large-scale environment. None of these were found adequate. The VLA observations were carried out during the X-ray outburst. However, no new radio flare was detected, possibly due to a sparse time sampling. The deepest, combined VLA data suggests a variable radio source and we briefly discuss the properties of the previously detected flares and compare them with microquasars and active galactic nuclei.

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Aims. ESO 243-49 HLX-1, otherwise known as HLX-1, is an intermediate mass black hole (IMBH) candidate located 8 (3.7 Kpc) from the centre of the edge-on S0 galaxy ESO 243-49. How the black hole came to be associated with this galaxy, and the nature of the environment in which it resides, are still unclear. Using multi-wavelength observations we investigate the nature of the medium surrounding HLX-1, search for evidence of past mergers with ESO 243-49 and constrain parameters of the galaxy. Methods. We reduce and analyse integral field unit observations of ESO 243-49 that were taken with the MUSE instrument on the VLT. Using complementary multi-wavelength data, including X-Shooter, HST, Swift, Chandra and ATCA data, we further examine the vicinity of HLX-1. We additionally examine the nature of the host galaxy and estimate the mass of the central supermassive black hole (SMBH) in ESO 243-49. Results. No evidence for a recent minor-merger that could result in the presence of the IMBH is discerned, but the data are compatible with a scenario in which minor mergers may have occurred in the history of ESO 243-49. The MUSE data reveal a rapidly rotating disc in the centre of the galaxy, around the SMBH. The mass of the SMBH at the centre of ESO 243-49 is estimated to be 0.5-23 $times$ 10$^7$ M$_odot$. Studying the spectra of HLX-1, that were taken in the low/hard state, we determine H$_alpha$ flux variability to be at least a factor 6, compared to observations taken during the high/soft state. This H$_alpha$ flux variability over one year indicates that the line originates close to the IMBH, excluding the possibility that the line emanates from a surrounding nebula or a star cluster. The large variability associated with the X-ray states of HLX-1 confirms that the H$_alpha$ line is associated with the object and therefore validates the distance to HLX-1.
In this Letter we report a spectroscopic confirmation of the association of HLX-1, the brightest ultra-luminous X-ray source, with the galaxy ESO 243-49. At the host galaxy distance of 95 Mpc, the maximum observed 0.2 - 10 keV luminosity is 1.2E42 erg/s. This luminosity is ~400 times above the Eddington limit for a 20 Msun black hole, and has been interpreted as implying an accreting intermediate mass black hole with a mass in excess of 500 Msun (assuming the luminosity is a factor of 10 above the Eddington value). However, a number of other ultra-luminous X-ray sources have been later identified as background active galaxies or foreground sources. It has recently been claimed that HLX-1 could be a quiescent neutron star X-ray binary at a Galactic distance of only 2.5 kpc, so a definitive association with the host galaxy is crucial in order to confirm the nature of the object. Here we report the detection of the Halpha emission line for the recently identified optical counterpart at a redshift consistent with that of ESO 243-49. This finding definitively places HLX-1 inside ESO 243-49, confirming the extreme maximum luminosity and strengthening the case for it containing an accreting intermediate mass black hole of more than 500 Msun.
In this paper we present a combined analysis of data obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), Very Large Telescope (VLT), and Swift X-ray telescope (XRT) of the intermediate mass black hole ESO 243-49 HLX-1 that were taken 2 months apart between September and November 2010. Previous separate analyses of these data found that they were consistent with an irradiated accretion disc with contribution from either a very young or very old stellar population, and also indicated that the optical flux of the HLX-1 counterpart could be variable. Such variability could only be attributed to a varying accretion disc, so simultaneous analysis of all data sets should break the degeneracies in the model fits. We thus simultaneously fit the broad-band spectral energy distribution (SED) from near-infrared through to X-ray wavelengths of the two epochs of data with a model consisting of an irradiated accretion disc and a stellar population. We show that this combined analysis rules out an old stellar population, finding that the SED is dominated by emission from an accretion disc with moderate reprocessing in the outer disc around an intermediate mass black hole imbedded in a young (20 Myr) stellar cluster with a mass of 1E5 Msun. We also place an upper limit on the mass of an additional hidden old stellar population of 1E6 Msun. However, optical r-band observations of HLX-1 obtained with the Gemini-South telescope covering part of the decay from a later X-ray outburst are consistent with constant optical flux, indicating that the observed variability between the HST and VLT observations could be spurious caused by differences in the background subtraction applied to the two optical data sets. In this scenario the contribution of the stellar population, and thus the stellar mass of the cluster, may be higher (abridged).
134 - S. Farrell 2011
We present Hubble Space Telescope and simultaneous Swift X-ray telescope observations of the strongest candidate intermediate mass black hole ESO 243-49 HLX-1. Fitting the spectral energy distribution from X-ray to near-infrared wavelengths showed that the broadband spectrum is not consistent with simple and irradiated disc models, but is well described by a model comprised of an irradiated accretion disc plus a stellar population with a mass ~1E6 Msun. The age of the population cannot be uniquely constrained, with both very young and very old stellar populations allowed. However, the very old solution requires excessively high levels of disc reprocessing and an extremely small disc, leading us to favour the young solution with an age of ~13 Myr. In addition, the presence of dust lanes and the lack of any nuclear activity from X-ray observations of the host galaxy lead us to propose that a gas-rich minor merger may have taken place less than ~200 Myr ago. Such a merger event would explain the presence of the intermediate mass black hole and support a young stellar population.
We report the results of Swift/XRT observations (2008-2015) of a hyper-luminous X-ray source, ESO 243-49 HLX-1. We found a strong observational evidence that ESO 243-49 HLX-1 underwent spectral transitions from the low/hard state to the high/soft state during these observations. The spectra of ESO 243-49 HLX-1 are well fitted by the so-{called} bulk motion Comptonization model for all spectral states. We have established the photon index Gamma saturation level, Gamma_{sat}$=3.0+/-0.1, in the correlation of Gamma versus mass accretion rate dot M. This Gamma-dot M correlation allows us to estimate the black hole (BH) mass in ESO 243-49 HLX-1 to be M_{BH}~ 7x 10^4 solar masses, assuming the distance to ESO 243-49 of 95 Mpc. For the BH mass estimate we used the scaling method, taking Galactic BHs XTE~J1550-564, H~1743-322 and 4U~1630-472, and an extragalactic BH source, M101 ULX-1 as reference sources. The Gamma-dot M correlation revealed in ESO 243-49 HLX-1 is similar to those in a number of Galactic and extragalactic BHs and it clearly shows the correlation along with the strong Gamma saturation at ~ 3. This is a reliable observational evidence of a BH in ESO 243-49 HLX-1. We also found that the seed (disk) photon temperatures are quite low, of order of 50-140 eV which are consistent with a high BH mass in ESO 243-49 HLX-1.
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