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Contact manifolds and Weinstein h-cobordisms

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 Added by Sylvain Courte
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English

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We prove that closed connected contact manifolds of dimension $geq 5$ related by an h-cobordism with a flexible Weinstein structure become contactomorphic after some kind of stabilization. We also provide examples of non-conjugate contact structures on a closed manifold with exact symplectomorphic symplectizations.

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143 - Sylvain Courte 2012
We provide examples of contact manifolds of any odd dimension $geq 5$ which are not diffeomorphic but have exact symplectomorphic symplectizations.
We establish an existence $h$-principle for symplectic cobordisms of dimension $2n>4$ with concave overtwisted contact boundary.
We study homotopically non-trivial spheres of Legendrians in the standard contact R3 and S3. We prove that there is a homotopy injection of the contactomorphism group of S3 into some connected components of the space of Legendrians induced by the natural action. We also provide examples of loops of Legendrians that are non-trivial in the space of formal Legendrians, and thus non-trivial as loops of Legendrians, but which are trivial as loops of smooth embeddings for all the smooth knot types.
121 - Oleg Lazarev 2018
We prove that the minimum number of critical points of a Weinstein Morse function on a Weinstein domain of dimension at least six is at most two more than the minimum number of critical points of a smooth Morse function on that domain; if the domain has non-zero middle-dimensional homology, these two numbers agree. There is also an upper bound on the number of gradient trajectories between critical points in smoothly trivial Weinstein cobordisms. As an application, we show that the number of generators for the Grothendieck group of the wrapped Fukaya category is at most the number of generators for singular cohomology and hence vanishes for any Weinstein ball. We also give a topological obstruction to the existence of finite-dimensional representations of the Chekanov-Eliashberg DGA of Legendrian spheres.
For any high-dimensional Weinstein domain and finite collection of primes, we construct a Weinstein subdomain whose wrapped Fukaya category is a localization of the original wrapped Fukaya category away from the given primes. When the original domain is a cotangent bundle, these subdomains form a decreasing lattice whose order cannot be reversed. Furthermore, we classify the possible wrapped Fukaya categories of Weinstein subdomains of a cotangent bundle of a simply connected, spin manifold, showing that they all coincide with one of these prime localizations. In the process, we describe which twisted complexes in the wrapped Fukaya category of a cotangent bundle of a sphere are isomorphic to genuine Lagrangians.
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