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Energy Landscape of the Finite-Size Mean-field 2-Spin Spherical Model and Topology Trivialization

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 Added by Dhagash Mehta
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Motivated by the recently observed phenomenon of topology trivialization of potential energy landscapes (PELs) for several statistical mechanics models, we perform a numerical study of the finite size $2$-spin spherical model using both numerical polynomial homotopy continuation and a reformulation via non-hermitian matrices. The continuation approach computes all of the complex stationary points of this model while the matrix approach computes the real stationary points. Using these methods, we compute the average number of stationary points while changing the topology of the PEL as well as the variance. Histograms of these stationary points are presented along with an analysis regarding the complex stationary points. This work connects topology trivialization to two different branches of mathematics: algebraic geometry and catastrophe theory, which is fertile ground for further interdisciplinary research.

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596 - H. Chamati 2008
A detailed analysis of the finite-size effects on the bulk critical behaviour of the $d$-dimensional mean spherical model confined to a film geometry with finite thickness $L$ is reported. Along the finite direction different kinds of boundary conditions are applied: periodic $(p)$, antiperiodic $(a)$ and free surfaces with Dirichlet $(D)$, Neumann $(N)$ and a combination of Neumann and Dirichlet $(ND)$ on both surfaces. A systematic method for the evaluation of the finite-size corrections to the free energy for the different types of boundary conditions is proposed. The free energy density and the equation for the spherical field are computed for arbitrary $d$. It is found, for $2<d<4$, that the singular part of the free energy has the required finite-size scaling form at the bulk critical temperature only for $(p)$ and $(a)$. For the remaining boundary conditions the standard finite-size scaling hypothesis is not valid. At $d=3$, the critical amplitude of the singular part of the free energy (related to the so called Casimir amplitude) is estimated. We obtain $Delta^{(p)}=-2zeta(3)/(5pi)=-0.153051...$, $Delta^{(a)}=0.274543...$ and $Delta^{(ND)}=0.01922...$, implying a fluctuation--induced attraction between the surfaces for $(p)$ and repulsion in the other two cases. For $(D)$ and $(N)$ we find a logarithmic dependence on $L$.
155 - Matthew F. Lapa 2020
The study of topological superconductivity is largely based on the analysis of mean-field Hamiltonians that violate particle number conservation and have only short-range interactions. Although this approach has been very successful, it is not clear that it captures the topological properties of real superconductors, which are described by number-conserving Hamiltonians with long-range interactions. To address this issue, we study topological superconductivity directly in the number-conserving setting. We focus on a diagnostic for topological superconductivity that compares the fermion parity $mathcal{P}$ of the ground state of a system in a ring geometry and in the presence of zero vs. $Phi_{text{sc}}=frac{h}{2e} equiv pi$ flux of an external magnetic field. A version of this diagnostic exists in any dimension and provides a $mathbb{Z}_2$ invariant $ u=mathcal{P}_0mathcal{P}_{pi}$ for topological superconductivity. In this paper we prove that the mean-field approximation correctly predicts the value of $ u$ for a large family of number-conserving models of spinless superconductors. Our result applies directly to the cases of greatest physical interest, including $p$-wave and $p_x+ip_y$ superconductors in one and two dimensions, and gives strong evidence for the validity of the mean-field approximation in the study of (at least some aspects of) topological superconductivity.
The Topological Hypothesis states that phase transitions should be related to changes in the topology of configuration space. The necessity of such changes has already been demonstrated. We characterize exactly the topology of the configuration space of the short range Berlin-Kac spherical model, for spins lying in hypercubic lattices of dimension d. We find a continuum of changes in the topology and also a finite number of discontinuities in some topological functions. We show however that these discontinuities do not coincide with the phase transitions which happen for d >= 3, and conversely, that no topological discontinuity can be associated to them. This is the first short range, confining potential for which the existence of special topological changes are shown not to be sufficient to infer the occurrence of a phase transition.
We perform numerical simulations of a long-range spherical spin glass with two and three body interaction terms. We study the gradient descent dynamics and the inherent structures found after a quench from initial conditions, well thermalized at temperature $T_{in}$. In large systems, the dynamics strictly agrees with the integration of the mean-field dynamical equations. In particular, we confirm the existence of an onset initial temperature, within the liquid phase, below which the energy of the inherent structures undoubtedly depends on $T_{in}$. This behavior is in contrast with that of pure models, where there is a threshold energy that attracts all the initial configurations in the liquid. Our results strengthen the analogy between mean-field spin glass models and supercooled liquids.
In this contribution we further study the classical disordered p=2 spherical model with Hamiltonian dynamics, or in integrable systems terms, the Neumann model, in the infinite size limit. We summarise the asymptotic results that some of us presented in a recent publication, and we deepen the analysis of the pre-asymptotic dynamics. We also discuss the possible description of the asymptotic steady state with a Generalised Gibbs Ensemble.
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