Direct path from microscopic mechanics to Debye shielding, Landau damping, and wave-particle interaction

Abstract in English

The derivation of Debye shielding and Landau damping from the $N$-body description of plasmas is performed directly by using Newtons second law for the $N$-body system. This is done in a few steps with elementary calculations using standard tools of calculus, and no probabilistic setting. Unexpectedly, Debye shielding is encountered together with Landau damping. This approach is shown to be justified in the one-dimensional case when the number of particles in a Debye sphere becomes large. The theory is extended to accommodate a correct description of trapping and chaos due to Langmuir waves. Shielding and collisional transport are found to be two related aspects of the repulsive deflections of electrons, in such a way that each particle is shielded by all other ones while keeping in uninterrupted motion.
