Spitzer IRAC Color Diagnostics for Extended Emission in Star Forming Regions

Abstract in English

The infrared data from the Spitzer Space Telescope has provided an invaluable tool for identifying physical processes in star formation. In this study we calculate the IRAC color space of UV fluorescent molecular hydrogen (H$_2$) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) emission in photodissociation regions (PDRs) using the Cloudy code with PAH opacities from Draine & Li 2007. We create a set of color diagnostics that can be applied to study the structure of PDRs and to distinguish between FUV excited and shock excited H$_2$ emission. To test this method we apply these diagnostics to Spitzer IRAC data of NGC 2316. Our analysis of the structure of the PDR is consistent with previous studies of the region. In addition to UV excited emission, we identify shocked gas that may be part of an outflow originating from the cluster.
