Conformal dimension via subcomplexes for small cancellation and random groups

Abstract in English

We find new bounds on the conformal dimension of small cancellation groups. These are used to show that a random few relator group has conformal dimension 2+o(1) asymptotically almost surely (a.a.s.). In fact, if the number of relators grows like l^K in the length l of the relators, then a.a.s. such a random group has conformal dimension 2+K+o(1). In Gromovs density model, a random group at density d<1/8 a.a.s. has conformal dimension $asymp dl / |log d|$. The upper bound for C(1/8) groups has two main ingredients: $ell_p$-cohomology (following Bourdon-Kleiner), and walls in the Cayley complex (building on Wise and Ollivier-Wise). To find lower bounds we refine the methods of [Mackay, 2012] to create larger `round trees in the Cayley complex of such groups. As a corollary, in the density model at d<1/8, the density d is determined, up to a power, by the conformal dimension of the boundary and the Euler characteristic of the group.
