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Vortex Core Structure in Multilayered Rashba Superconductors

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 Added by Yoichi Higashi
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We numerically study the electronic structure of a single vortex in two dimensional superconducting bilayer systems within the range of the mean-field theory. The lack of local inversion symmetry in the system is taken into account through the layer dependent Rashba spin-orbit coupling. The spatial profiles of the pair potential and the local quasiparticle density of states are calculated in the clean spin-singlet superconductor on the basis of the quasiclassical theory. In particular, we discuss the characteristic core structure in the pair-density wave state, which is spatially modulated exotic superconducting phase in a high magnetic field.

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A magnetic inclusion inside a superconductor gives rise to a fascinating complex of {it vortex loops}. Our calculations, done in the framework of the Ginzburg-Landau theory, reveal that {it loops always nucleate in triplets} around the magnetic core. In a mesoscopic superconducting sphere, the final superconducting state is characterized by those confined vortex loops and the ones that eventually spring to the surface of the sphere, evolving into {it vortex pairs} piercing through the sample surface.
We theoretically investigate the quasiparticle scattering rate $varGamma$ inside a vortex core in the existence of non-magnetic impurities distributed randomly in a superconductor. We show that the dependence of $varGamma$ on the magnetic field direction is sensitive to the sign of the pair potential. The behavior of $varGamma$ is quite different between an s-wave and a d-wave pair potential, where these are assumed to have the same amplitude anisotropy, but a sign change only for the d-wave one. It is suggested that measurements of the microwave surface impedance with changing applied-field directions would be used for the phase-sensitive identification of pairing symmetry.
High-T_c superconductors in small magnetic fields directed away from the crystal symmetry axes have been found to exhibit inhomogeneous chains of flux lines (vortices), in contrast to the usual regular triangular flux-line lattice. We review the experimental observations of these chains, and summarize the theoretical background that explains their appearance. We treat separately two classes of chains: those that appear in superconductors with moderate anisotropy due to an attractive part of the interaction between tilted flux lines, and those with high anisotropy where the tilted magnetic flux is created by two independent and perpendicular crossing lattices. In the second case it is the indirect attraction between a flux line along the layers (Josephson vortex) and a flux line perpendicular to the layers (pancake vortex stack) that leads to the formation of chains of the pancake vortex stacks. This complex system contains a rich variety of phenomena, with several different equilibrium phases, and an extraordinary dynamic interplay between the two sets of crossing vortices. We compare the theoretical predictions of these phenomena with the experimental observations made to date. We also contrast the different techniques used to make these observations. While it is clear that this system forms a wonderful playground for probing the formation of structures with competing interactions, we conclude that there are important practical implications of the vortex chains that appear in highly anisotropic superconductors.
A multilayered structure with a single superconductor layer and a single insulator layer formed on a bulk superconductor is studied. General formulae for the vortex-penetration field of the superconductor layer and the magnetic field on the bulk superconductor, which is shielded by the superconductor and insulator layers, are derived with a rigorous calculation of the magnetic field attenuation in the multilayered structure. The achievable peak surface field depends on the thickness and its material of the superconductor layer, the thickness of the insulator layer and material of the bulk superconductor. The calculation shows a good agreement with an experimental result. A combination of the thicknesses of superconductor and insulator layers to enhance the field limit can be given by the formulae for any given materials.
The knowledge of vortex nucleation barriers is crucial for applications of superconductors, such as single-photon detectors and superconductor-based qubits. Contrarily to the problem of finding energy minima and critical fields, there are no controllable methods to explore the energy landscape, identify saddle points, and compute associated barriers. Similar problems exist in high-energy physics where the saddle-point configurations are called sphalerons. Here, we present a generalization of the string method to gauge field theories, which allows the calculation of energy barriers in superconductors. We solve the problem of vortex nucleation, assessing the effects of the nonlinearity of the model, complicated geometry, surface roughness, and pinning.
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