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We have observed bursting variability of the 6.7 GHz methanol maser of G33.641-0.228. Five bursts were detected in the observation period of 294 days from 2009 to 2012. The typical burst is a large flux density rise in about one day followed by a slow fall. A non-typical burst observed in 2010 showed a large and rapid flux density enhancement from the stable state, but the rise and fall of the flux density were temporally symmetric and a fast fluctuation continued 12 days. On average, the bursts occurred once every 59 days, although bursting was not periodic. Since the average power required for causing the burst of order of 10^21 Js^-1 is far smaller than the luminosity of G33.641-0.228, a very small fraction of the sources power would be sufficient to cause the burst occasionally. The burst can be explained as a solar-flare like event in which the energy is accumulated in the magnetic field of the circumstellar disk, and is released for a short time. However, the mechanism of the energy release and the dust heating process are still unknown.
We present a continuing study of a sample 44 molecular outflows, observed in 13CO lines, closely associated with 6.7GHz methanol masers, hence called Methanol Maser Associated Outflows (MMAOs). We compare MMAO properties with those of outflows from other surveys in the literature. In general, MMAOs follow similar trends, but show a deficit in number at low masses and momenta, with a corresponding higher fraction at the high end of the distributions. A similar trend is seen for the dynamical timescales of MMAOs. We argue that the lack of relatively low mass and young flows in MMAOs is due to the inherent selection-bias in the sample, i.e. its direct association with 6.7GHz methanol masers. This implies that methanol masers must switch on after the onset of outflows (hence accretion), and not before a sufficient abundance of methanol is liberated from icy dust mantles. Consequently the average dynamical age of MMAOs is older than for the general population of molecular outflows. We propose an adjusted evolutionary sequence of outflow and maser occurrence in the hot core phase, where methanol masers turn on after the onset of the outflow phase.
We report the detection of bursts of 6.7 GHz methanol maser emission in a high-mass star-forming region, G33.64-0.21. One of the spectral components of the maser in this source changed its flux density by 7 times that of the previous day, and it decayed with a timescale of 5 days. The burst occurred repeatedly in the spectral component, and no other components showed such variability. A VLBI observation with the Japanese VLBI Network (JVN) showed that the burst location was at the southwest edge of a spatial distribution, and the bursting phenomenon occurred in a region much smaller than 70 AU. We suggest an impulsive energy release like a stellar flare as a possible mechanism for the burst. These results imply that 6.7 GHz methanol masers could be a useful new probe for studying bursting activity in the process of star formation of high-mass YSOs with a high-resolution of AU scale.
We investigate which structures the 6.7 GHz methanol masers trace in the environment of high-mass protostar candidates by observing a homogenous sample of methanol masers selected from Torun surveys. We also probed their origins by looking for associated H II regions and IR emission. We selected 30 methanol sources with improved position accuracies achieved using MERLIN and another 3 from the literature. We imaged 31 of these using the European VLBI Networks expanded array of telescopes with 5-cm (6-GHz) receivers. We used the VLA to search for 8.4 GHz radio continuum counterparts and inspected Spitzer GLIMPSE data at 3.6-8 um from the archive. High angular resolution images allowed us to analyze the morphology and kinematics of the methanol masers in great detail and verify their association with radio continuum and mid-infrared emission. A new class of ring-like methanol masers in star--forming regions appeared to be suprisingly common, 29 % of the sample. The new morphology strongly suggests that methanol masers originate in the disc or torus around a proto- or a young massive star. However, the maser kinematics indicate the strong influence of outflow or infall. This suggests that they form at the interface between the disc/torus and a flow. This is also strongly supported by Spitzer results because the majority of the masers coincide with 4.5 um emission to within less than 1 arcsec. Only four masers are associated with the central parts of UC H II regions. This implies that 6.7 GHz methanol maser emission occurs before H II region observable at cm wavelengths is formed.
In February 2011, a burst event of the H$_{2}$O maser in Orion KL (Kleinmann-Low object) has started after 13-year silence. This is the third time to detect such phenomena in Orion KL, followed by those in 1979-1985 and 1998. We have carried out astrometric observations of the bursting H$_{2}$O maser features in Orion KL with VERA (VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry), a Japanese VLBI network dedicated for astrometry. The total flux of the bursting feature at the LSR velocity of 7.58 km s$^{-1}$ reaches 4.4$times10^{4}$ Jy in March 2011. The intensity of the bursting feature is three orders of magnitudes larger than that of the same velocity feature in the quiescent phase in 2006. Two months later, another new feature appears at the LSR velocity of 6.95 km s$^{-1}$ in May 2011, separated by 12 mas north of the 7.58 km s$^{-1}$ feature. Thus, the current burst occurs at two spatially different features. The bursting masers are elongated along the northwest-southeast direction as reported in the previous burst in 1998. We determine the absolute positions of the bursting features for the first time ever with a submilli-arcsecond (mas) accuracy. Their positions are coincident with the shocked molecular gas called the Orion Compact Ridge. We tentatively detect the absolute proper motions of the bursting features toward southwest direction. It is most likely that the outflow from the radio source I or another young stellar object interacting with the Compact Ridge is a possible origin of the H$_{2}$O maser burst.
Intriguing work on observations of 4.83 GHz formaldehyde (H2CO) absorptions and 4.87 GHz H110a radio recombination lines (RRLs) towards 6.7 GHz methanol (CH3OH) maser sources is presented. Methanol masers provide ideal sites to probe the earliest stages of massive star formation, while 4.8 GHz formaldehyde absorptions are accurate probes of physical conditions in dense $(10^{3} - 10^{5} cm^{-3})$ and low temperature molecular clouds towards massive star forming regions. The work is aimed at studying feature similarities between the formaldehyde absorptions and the methanol masers so as to expand knowledge of events and physical conditions in massive star forming regions. A total of 176 methanol maser sources were observed for formaldehyde absorptions, and formaldehyde absorptions were detected 138 of them. 53 of the formaldehyde absorptions were newly detected. We noted a poor correlation between the methanol and formaldehyde intensities, an indication that the signals (though arise from about the same regions) are enhanced by different mechanisms. Our results show higher detection rates of the formaldehyde lines for sources with stronger methanol signals. The strongest formaldehyde absorptions were associated with IRAS sources and IRDCs that have developed HII regions, and that do not have EGOs.