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Flux calibration of medium-resolution spectra from 300 nm to 2500 nm: Model reference spectra and telluric correction

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 Added by Sabine Moehler
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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While the near-infrared wavelength regime is becoming more and more important for astrophysics there is a marked lack of spectrophotometric standard star data that would allow the flux calibration of such data. Furthermore, flux calibrating medium- to high-resolution echelle spectroscopy data is challenging even in the optical wavelength range, because the available flux standard data are often too coarsely sampled. We will provide standard star reference data that allow users to derive response curves from 300nm to 2500nm for spectroscopic data of medium to high resolution, including those taken with echelle spectrographs. In addition we describe a method to correct for moderate telluric absorption without the need of observing telluric standard stars. As reference data for the flux standard stars we use theoretical spectra derived from stellar model atmospheres. We verify that they provide an appropriate description of the observed standard star spectra by checking for residuals in line cores and line overlap regions in the ratios of observed (X-shooter) spectra to model spectra. The finally selected model spectra are then corrected for remaining mismatches and photometrically calibrated using independent observations. The correction of telluric absorption is performed with the help of telluric model spectra.We provide new, finely sampled reference spectra without telluric absorption for six southern flux standard stars that allow the users to flux calibrate their data from 300 nm to 2500 nm, and a method to correct for telluric absorption using atmospheric models.

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We report a method of correcting a near-infrared (0.90-1.35 $mu$m) high-resolution ($lambda/Deltalambdasim28,000$) spectrum for telluric absorption using the corresponding spectrum of a telluric standard star. The proposed method uses an A0,V star or its analog as a standard star from which on the order of 100 intrinsic stellar lines are carefully removed with the help of a reference synthetic telluric spectrum. We find that this method can also be applied to feature-rich objects having spectra with heavily blended intrinsic stellar and telluric lines and present an application to a G-type giant using this approach. We also develop a new diagnostic method for evaluating the accuracy of telluric correction and use it to demonstrate that our method achieves an accuracy better than 2% for spectral parts for which the atmospheric transmittance is as low as $sim$20% if telluric standard stars are observed under the following conditions: (1) the difference in airmass between the target and the standard is $lesssim 0.05$; and (2) that in time is less than 1 h. In particular, the time variability of water vapor has a large impact on the accuracy of telluric correction and minimizing the difference in time from that of the telluric standard star is important especially in near-infrared high-resolution spectroscopic observation.
We present an automated statistical method that uses medium-resolution spectroscopic observations of a set of stars to select those that show evidence of possessing significant amounts of neutron-capture elements. Our tool was tested against a sample of $sim 70,000$ F- and G-type stars distributed among $215$ plates from the Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE) survey, including $13$ that were directed at stellar Galaxy clusters. Focusing on five spectral lines of europium in the visible window, our procedure ranked the stars by their likelihood of having enhanced content of this atomic species and identifies the objects that exhibit signs of being rich in neutron-capture elements as those scoring in the upper $2.5%$. We find that several of the cluster plates contain relatively large numbers of stars with significant absorption around at least three of the five selected lines. The most prominent is the globular cluster M3, where we measured a fraction of stars that are potentially rich in heavy nuclides, representing at least $15%$.
The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) started median-resolution spectroscopic (MRS, R$sim$7500) survey since October 2018. The main scientific goals of MRS, including binary stars, pulsators, and other variable stars are launched with a time-domain spectroscopic survey. However, the systematic errors, including the bias induced from wavelength calibration and the systematic difference between different spectrographs have to be carefully considered during radial velocity measurement. In this work, we provide a technique to correct the systematics in the wavelength calibration based on the relative radial velocity measurements from LAMOST MRS spectra. We show that, for the stars with multi-epoch spectra, the systematic bias which is induced from the exposures of different nights can be well corrected for LAMOST MRS in each spectrograph. And the precision of radial velocity zero-point of multi-epoch time-domain observations reaches below 0.5 km/s . As a by-product, we also give the constant star candidates, which can be the secondary radial-velocity standard star candidates of LAMOST MRS time-domain surveys.
METIS is a mid-infrared instrument proposed for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). It is designed to provide imaging and spectroscopic capabilities in the 3 - 14 micron region up to a spectral resolution of 100000. One of the novel concepts of METIS is that of a high-resolution integral field spectrograph (IFS) for a diffraction-limited mid-IR instrument. While this concept has many scientific and operational advantages over a long-slit spectrograph, one drawback is that the spectral resolution changes over the field of view. This has an impact on the procedures to correct for telluric absorption lines imprinted on the science spectra. They are a major obstacle in the quest to maximize spectral fidelity, the ability to distinguish a weak spectral feature from the continuum. The classical technique of division by a standard star spectrum, observed in a single IFS spaxel, cannot simply be applied to all spaxels, because the spectral resolution changes from spaxel to spaxel. Here we present and discuss possible techniques of telluric line correction of METIS IFS spectra, including the application of synthetic model spectra of telluric transmission, to maximize spectral fidelity.
The full third Gaia data release will provide the calibrated spectra obtained with the blue and red Gaia slit-less spectrophotometers. The main challenge when facing Gaia spectral calibration is that no lamp spectra or flat fields are available during the mission. Also, the significant size of the line spread function with respect to the dispersion of the prisms produces alien photons contaminating neighbouring positions of the spectra. This makes the calibration special and different from standard approaches. This work gives a detailed description of the internal calibration model to obtain the spectrophotometric data in the Gaia catalogue. The main purpose of the internal calibration is to bring all the epoch spectra onto a common flux and pixel (pseudo-wavelength) scale, taking into account variations over the focal plane and with time, producing a mean spectrum from all the observations of the same source. In order to describe all observations in a common mean flux and pseudo-wavelength scale, we construct a suitable representation of the internally calibrated mean spectra via basis functions and we describe the transformation between non calibrated epoch spectra and calibrated mean spectra via a discrete convolution, parametrising the convolution kernel to recover the relevant coefficients. The model proposed here is able to combine all observations into a mean instrument to allow the comparison of different sources and observations obtained with different instrumental conditions along the mission and the generation of mean spectra from a number of observations of the same source. The output of this model provides the internal mean spectra, not as a sampled function (flux and wavelength), but as a linear combination of basis functions, although sampled spectra can easily be derived from them.
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