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The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: the submillimetre properties of Lyman break galaxies at z=3-5

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 Added by Kristen Coppin Dr.
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors K.E.K. Coppin

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We present statistically significant detections at 850um of the Lyman Break Galaxy (LBG) population at z=3, 4, and 5 using data from the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA-2) Cosmology Legacy Survey (S2CLS) in the United Kingdom Infrared Deep Sky Survey Ultra Deep Survey (UKIDSS-UDS) field. We employ a stacking technique to probe beneath the survey limit to measure the average 850um flux density of LBGs at z=3, 4, and 5 with typical ultraviolet luminosities of L(1700A)~10^29 erg/s/Hz. We measure 850um flux densities of (0.25 +/- 0.03, (0.41 +/- 0.06), and (0.88 +/- 0.23) mJy respectively, and find that they contribute at most 20 per cent to the cosmic far-infrared background at 850um. Fitting an appropriate range of spectral energy distributions to the z=3, 4, and 5 LBG stacked 24-850um fluxes, we derive infrared (IR) luminosities of L(8-1000um)~3.2, 5.5, and 11.0x10^11 Lsun (corresponding to star formation rates of ~50-200 Msun/yr) respectively. We find that the evolution in the IR luminosity density of LBGs is broadly consistent with model predictions for the expected contribution of luminous IR galaxy (LIRG) to ultraluminous IR galaxy (ULIRG) type systems at these epochs. We also see a strong positive correlation between stellar mass and IR luminosity. Our data are consistent with the main sequence of star formation showing little or no evolution from z=3 to 5. We have also confirmed that, for a fixed mass, the reddest LBGs (UV slope Beta -> 0) are indeed redder due to dust extinction, with SFR(IR)/SFR(UV) increasing by approximately an order of magnitude over -2<Beta<0 such that SFR(IR)/SFR(UV)~20 for the reddest LBGs. Furthermore, the most massive LBGs also tend to have higher obscured-to-unobscured ratio, hinting at a variation in the obscuration properties across the mass range.

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239 - Ian Smail , J.E. Geach 2013
We analyse new SCUBA-2 submillimeter and archival SPIRE far-infrared imaging of a z=1.62 cluster, Cl0218.3-0510, which lies in the UKIDSS/UDS field of the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey. Combining these tracers of obscured star formation activity with the extensive photometric and spectroscopic information available for this field, we identify 31 far-infrared/submillimeter-detected probable cluster members with bolometric luminosities >1e12 Lo and show that by virtue of their dust content and activity, these represent some of the reddest and brightest galaxies in this structure. We exploit Cycle-1 ALMA submillimeter continuum imaging which covers one of these sources to confirm the identification of a SCUBA-2-detected ultraluminous star-forming galaxy in this structure. Integrating the total star-formation activity in the central region of the structure, we estimate that it is an order of magnitude higher (in a mass-normalised sense) than clusters at z~0.5-1. However, we also find that the most active cluster members do not reside in the densest regions of the structure, which instead host a population of passive and massive, red galaxies. We suggest that while the passive and active populations have comparable near-infrared luminosities at z=1.6, M(H)~-23, the subsequent stronger fading of the more active galaxies means that they will evolve into passive systems at the present-day which are less luminous than the descendants of those galaxies which were already passive at z~1.6 (M(H)~-20.5 and M(H)~-21.5 respectively at z~0). We conclude that the massive galaxy population in the dense cores of present-day clusters were already in place at z=1.6 and that in Cl0218.3-0510 we are seeing continuing infall of less extreme, but still ultraluminous, star-forming galaxies onto a pre-existing structure.
We analyse 870um Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA) dust continuum detections of 41 canonically-selected z~3 Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs), as well as 209 ALMA-undetected LBGs, in follow-up of SCUBA-2 mapping of the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey (UDS) field. We find that our ALMA-bright LBGs lie significantly off the locally calibrated IRX-beta relation and tend to have relatively bluer rest-frame UV slopes (as parametrised by beta), given their high values of the infrared excess (IRX=L_IR/L_UV), relative to the average local IRX-beta relation. We attribute this finding in part to the young ages of the underlying stellar populations but we find that the main reason behind the unusually blue UV slopes are the relatively shallow slopes of the corresponding dust attenuation curves. We show that, when stellar masses are being established via SED fitting, it is absolutely crucial to allow the attenuation curves to vary (rather than fixing it on Calzetti-like law), where we find that the inappropriate curves may underestimate the resulting stellar masses by a factor of ~2-3x on average. In addition, we find these LBGs to have relatively high specific star-formation rates (sSFRs), dominated by the dust component, as quantified via the fraction of obscured star formation ( f_obs = SFR_IR/SFR_(UV+IR)). We conclude that the ALMA-bright LBGs are, by selection, massive galaxies undergoing a burst of a star formation (large sSFRs, driven, for example, by secular or merger processes), with a likely geometrical disconnection of the dust and stars, responsible for producing shallow dust attenuation curves.
We present multiwavelength identifications for the counterparts of 1088 submillimeter sources detected at 850$mu$m in the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey study of the UKIDSS-UDS field. By utilising an ALMA pilot study on a subset of our bright SCUBA-2 sample as a training set, along with the deep optical-near-infrared data available in this field, we develop a novel technique, Optical-IR Triple Color (OIRTC), using $z-K$, $K-[3.6]$, $[3.6]-[4.5]$ colors to select the candidate submillimeter galaxy (SMG) counterparts. By combining radio identification and the OIRTC technique, we find counterpart candidates for 80% of the Class = 1 $geq4,sigma$ SCUBA-2 sample, defined as those that are covered by both radio and OIR imaging and the base sample for our scientific analyses. Based on the ALMA training set, we expect the accuracy of these identifications to be $82pm20$%, with a completeness of $69pm16$%, essentially as accurate as the traditional $p$-value technique but with higher completeness. We find that the fraction of SCUBA-2 sources having candidate counterparts is lower for fainter 850$mu$m sources, and we argue that for follow-up observations sensitive to SMGs with $S_{850}gtrsim 1$ mJy across the whole ALMA beam, the fraction with multiple counterparts is likely to be $>40$% for SCUBA-2 sources at $S_{850} gtrsim 4$ mJy. We find that the photometric redshift distribution for the SMGs is well fit by a lognormal distribution, with a median redshift of $z=2.3pm0.1$. After accounting for the sources without any radio and/or OIRTC counterpart, we estimate the median redshift to be $z=2.6pm0.1$ for SMGs with $S_{850} >1$ mJy. We also use this new large sample to study the clustering of SMGs and the the far-infrared properties of the unidentified submillimeter sources by stacking their Herschel SPIRE far-infrared emission.
145 - S. M. Stach , I. Smail 2021
We present an analysis of the spatial clustering of a large sample of high-resolution, interferometically identified, submillimetre galaxies (SMGs). We measure the projected cross-correlation function of ~350 SMGs in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep-Survey Field across a redshift range of $z=1.5-3$ utilising a method that incorporates the uncertainties in the redshift measurements for both the SMGs and cross-correlated galaxies through sampling their full probability distribution functions. By measuring the absolute linear bias of the SMGs we derive halo masses of $log_{10}(M_{rm halo}[{h^{-1},rm M_{odot}}])sim12.8$ with no evidence of evolution in the halo masses with redshift, contrary to some previous work. From considering models of halo mass growth rates we predict that the SMGs will reside in haloes of mass $log_{10}(M_{rm halo}[{h^{-1},rm M_{odot}}])sim13.2$ at $z=0$, consistent with the expectation that the majority of $z=1.5-3$ SMGs will evolve into present-day spheroidal galaxies. Finally, comparing to models of stellar-to-halo mass ratios, we show that SMGs may correspond to systems that are maximally efficient at converting their gas reservoirs into stars. We compare them to a simple model for gas cooling in halos that suggests that the unique properties of the SMG population, including their high levels of star-formation and their redshift distribution, are a result of the SMGs being the most massive galaxies that are still able to accrete cool gas from their surrounding intragalactic medium.
We present a multi-wavelength analysis of galaxies selected at 450 and 850um from the deepest SCUBA-2 observations in the Extended Groth Strip (EGS) field, which have an average depth of sigma_450=1.9 and sigma_850=0.46 mJy/beam over ~70 sq. arcmin. The final sample comprises 95 sources: 56 (59%) are detected at both wavelengths, 31 (33%) are detected only at 850um, and 8 (8%) are detected only at 450um. We identify counterparts for 75% of the whole sample. The redshift distributions of the 450 and 850um samples peak at different redshifts with median values of z=1.66 +/- 0.18 and z=2.30 +/- 0.20, respectively. However, the two populations have similar IR luminosities, SFRs, and stellar masses, with mean values of (1.5 +/- 0.2) x 10^12 L_sun, (150 +/- 20) M_sun/yr, and (9.0 +/- 0.6) x 10^10 M_sun, respectively. This places most of our sources (>85%) on the high-mass end of the `main-sequence of star-forming galaxies. Exploring the IR excess vs UV-slope (IRX-beta) relation we find that the most luminous galaxies are consistent with the Meurer law, while the less luminous galaxies lie below this relation. Using the results of a two-dimensional modelling of the HST H_160-band imaging, we derive a median Sersic index of n=1.4 +0.3 -0.1 and a median half-light radius of R_1/2 = 4.8 +/ 0.4 kpc. Based on a visual-like classification in the same band, we find that the dominant component for most of the galaxies at all redshifts is a disk-like structure, although there is a transition from irregular disks to disks with a spheroidal component at z~1.4, which morphologically supports the scenario of SMGs as progenitors of massive elliptical galaxies.
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