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Using the molecular dynamics simulations we investigate properties of velocity autocorrelation function of Lennard-Jones fluid at long and intermediate time scales in wide ranges of temperature and density. We show that the amplitudes of the leading and subleading VAF time asymptotes, $a_1$ and $a_2$, show essentially non monotonous temperature and density dependence. There are two lines on temperature-density plain corresponding to maxima of $a_1$ ($a_2$) along isochors and isotherms situated in the supercritical fluid (hydrodynamic anomalies). These lines give insight into the stages of the fluid evolution into gas.
We present a theoretical study of transport properties of a liquid comprised of particles uist1:/home/sokrates/egorov/oldhome/Pap41/Submit > m abs.tex We present a theoretical study of transport properties of a liquid comprised of particles interacting via Gaussian Core pair potential. Shear viscosity and self-diffusion coefficient are computed on the basis of the mode-coupling theory, with required structural input obtained from integral equation theory. Both self-diffusion coefficient and viscosity display anomalous density dependence, with diffusivity increasing and viscosity decreasing with density within a particular density range along several isotherms below a certain temperature. Our theoretical results for both transport coefficients are in good agreement with the simulation data.
Fluctuations of the interface between coexisting colloidal fluid phases have been measured with confocal microscopy. Due to a very low surface tension, the thermal motions of the interface are so slow, that a record can be made of the positions of the interface. The theory of the interfacial height fluctuations is developed. For a host of correlation functions, the experimental data are compared with the theoretical expressions. The agreement between theory and experiment is remarkably good.
To study the possibility of a fluid-fluid phase transition, we analyze a three-dimensional soft-core isotropic potential for a one-component system. We utilize two independent numerical approaches, (i) integral equation in the hypernetted-chain approximation and (ii) molecular dynamics simulations, and find for both approaches a fluid-fluid phase transition as well as the conventional gas-liquid critical point. We also study the possible existence of a triple point in the supercooled fluid phase at which three phases---gas, high-density fluid, and low-density fluid---coexist.
We study hydrodynamic fluctuations in a compressible and viscous fluid film confined between two rigid, no-slip, parallel plates, where one of the plates is kept fixed, while the other one is driven in small-amplitude, translational, displacements around its reference position. This jiggling motion is assumed to be driven by a stochastic, external, surface forcing of zero mean and finite variance. Thus, while the transverse (shear) and longitudinal (compressional) hydrodynamic stresses produced in the film vanish on average on either of the plates, these stresses exhibit fluctuations that can be quantified through their equal-time, two-point, correlation functions. For transverse stresses, we show that the correlation functions of the stresses acting on the same plate (self-correlators) as well as the correlation function of the stresses acting on different plates (cross-correlators) exhibit universal, decaying, power-law behaviors as functions of the inter-plate separation. At small separations, the exponents are given by -1, while at large separations, the exponents are found as -2 (self-correlator on the fixed plate), -4 (excess self-correlator on the mobile plate) and -3 (cross-correlator). For longitudinal stresses, we find much weaker power-law decays in the large separation regime, with exponents -3/2 (excess self-correlator on the mobile plate) and -1 (cross-correlator). The self-correlator on the fixed plate increases and levels off upon increasing the inter-plate separation, reflecting the non-decaying nature of the longitudinal forces acting on the fixed plate.
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to the incorrect application of the divergence theorem to Eqs 7, 8 and 9.