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Trade-off study for high resolution spectroscopy in the near infrared with ELT telescopes: seeing-limited vs. diffraction limited instruments

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 Added by Nicoletta Sanna
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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HIRES, a high resolution spectrometer, is one of the first five instruments foreseen in the ESO roadmap for the E-ELT. This spectrograph should ideally provide full spectral coverage from the UV limit to 2.5 microns, with a resolving power from R$sim$10,000 to R$sim$100,000. At visual/blue wavelengths, where the adaptive optics (AO) cannot provide an efficient light-concentration, HIRES will necessarily be a bulky, seeing-limited instrument. The fundamental question, which we address in this paper, is whether the same approach should be adopted in the near-infrared range, or HIRES should only be equipped with compact infrared module(s) with a much smaller aperture, taking advantage of an AO-correction. The main drawbacks of a seeing-limited instrument at all wavelengths are: textit{i)} Lower sensitivities at wavelengths dominated by thermal background (red part of the K-band). textit{ii)} Much higher volumes and costs for the IR spectrograph module(s). The main drawbacks of using smaller, AO-fed IR module(s) are: textit{i)} Performances rapidly degrading towards shorter wavelengths (especially J e Y bands). textit{ii)} Different spatial sampling of extended objects (the optical module see a much larger area on the sky). In this paper we perform a trade-off analysis and quantify the various effects that contribute to improve or deteriorate the signal to noise ratio. In particular, we evaluate the position of the cross-over wavelength at which AO-fed instruments starts to outperform seeing-limited instruments. This parameter is of paramount importance for the design of the part of HIRES covering the K-band.

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(Abridged) Typically large telescope construction and operation costs scale up faster than their collecting area. This slows scientific progress, making it expensive and complicated to increase telescope size. A metric that represents the capability of an imaging survey telescopes, and that captures a wide range of science objectives, is the telescope grasp -- the amount of volume of space in which a standard candle is detectable per unit time. We provide an analytic expression for the grasp, and also show that in the background-dominated noise limit, the optimal exposure time is three times the dead time. We introduce a related metric we call the information-content grasp, which summarizes the variance of all sources observed by the telescope per unit time. For seeing-dominated sky surveys, in terms of grasp, etendue, or collecting-area optimization, recent technological advancements make it more cost effective to construct multiple small telescopes rather than a single large telescope with a similar grasp or etendue. Among these key advancements are the availability of large-format back-side illuminated CMOS detectors with <4 micron pixels, well suited to sample standard seeing conditions given typical focal lengths of small fast telescopes. We also discuss the possible use of multiple small telescopes for spectroscopy. We argue that if all the obstacles to implementing cost-effective wide-field imaging and multi-object spectrographs using multiple small telescopes are removed, then the motivation to build new single large-aperture (>1m) visible-light telescopes which are seeing-dominated, will be weakened. These ideas have led to the concept of the, currently under construction, Large-Array Survey Telescope (LAST).
The combination of Lucky Imaging with a low order adaptive optics system was demonstrated very successfully on the Palomar 5m telescope nearly 10 years ago. It is still the only system to give such high-resolution images in the visible or near infrared on ground-based telescope of faint astronomical targets. The development of AOLI for deployment initially on the WHT 4.2 m telescope in La Palma, Canary Islands, will be described in this paper. In particular, we will look at the design and status of our low order curvature wavefront sensor which has been somewhat simplified to make it more efficient, ensuring coverage over much of the sky with natural guide stars as reference object. AOLI uses optically butted electron multiplying CCDs to give an imaging array of 2000 x 2000 pixels.
Astronomical imaging with micro-arcsecond ($mu$as) angular resolution could enable breakthrough scientific discoveries. Previously-proposed $mu$as X-ray imager designs have been interferometers with limited effective collecting area. Here we describe X-ray telescopes achieving diffraction-limited performance over a wide energy band with large effective area, employing a nested-shell architecture with grazing-incidence mirrors, while matching the optical path lengths between all shells. We present two compact nested-shell Wolter Type 2 grazing-incidence telescope designs for diffraction-limited X-ray imaging: a micro-arcsecond telescope design with 14 $mu$as angular resolution and 2.9 m$^2$ of effective area at 5 keV photon energy ($lambda$=0.25 nm), and a smaller milli-arcsecond telescope design with 525 $mu$as resolution and 645 cm$^2$ effective area at 1 keV ($lambda$=1.24 nm). We describe how to match the optical path lengths between all shells in a compact mirror assembly, and investigate chromatic and off-axis aberrations. Chromatic aberration results from total external reflection off of mirror surfaces, and we greatly mitigate its effects by slightly adjusting the path lengths in each mirror shell. The mirror surface height error and alignment requirements for diffraction-limited performance are challenging but arguably achieveable in the coming decades. Since the focal ratio for a diffraction-limited X-ray telescope is extremely large ($f/D$~10$^5$), the only important off-axis aberration is curvature of field, so a 1 arcsecond field of view is feasible with a flat detector. The detector must fly in formation with the mirror assembly, but relative positioning tolerances are on the order of 1 m over a distance of some tens to hundreds of kilometers. While there are many challenges to achieving diffraction-limited X-ray imaging, we did not find any fundamental barriers.
Spectrographs nominally contain a degree of quasi-static optical aberrations resulting from the quality of manufactured component surfaces, imperfect alignment, design residuals, thermal effects, and other other associated phenomena involved in the design and construction process. Aberrations that change over time can mimic the line centroid motion of a Doppler shift, introducing radial velocity (RV) uncertainty that increases time-series variability. Even when instrument drifts are tracked using a precise wavelength calibration source, barycentric motion of the Earth leads to a wavelength shift of stellar light causing a translation of the spectrum across the focal plane array by many pixels. The wavelength shift allows absorption lines to experience different optical propagation paths and aberrations over observing epochs. We use physical optics propagation simulations to study the impact of aberrations on precise Doppler measurements made by diffraction-limited, high-resolution spectrographs. We quantify the uncertainties that cross-correlation techniques introduce in the presence of aberrations and barycentric RV shifts. We find that aberrations which shift the PSF photo-center in the dispersion direction, in particular primary horizontal coma and trefoil, are the most concerning. To maintain aberration-induced RV errors less than 10 cm/s, phase errors for these particular aberrations must be held well below 0.05 waves at the instrument operating wavelength. Our simulations further show that wavelength calibration only partially compensates for instrumental drifts, owing to a behavioral difference between how cross-correlation techniques handle aberrations between starlight versus calibration light. Identifying subtle physical effects that influence RV errors will help ensure that diffraction-limited planet-finding spectrographs are able to reach their full scientific potential.
Segmented aperture telescopes require an alignment procedure with successive steps from coarse alignment to monitoring process in order to provide very high optical quality images for stringent science operations such as exoplanet imaging. The final step, referred to as fine phasing, calls for a high sensitivity wavefront sensing and control system in a diffraction-limited regime to achieve segment alignment with nanometric accuracy. In this context, Zernike wavefront sensors represent promising options for such a calibration. A concept called the Zernike unit for segment phasing (ZEUS) was previously developed for ground-based applications to operate under seeing-limited images. Such a concept is, however, not suitable for fine cophasing with diffraction-limited images. We revisit ZELDA, a Zernike sensor that was developed for the measurement of residual aberrations in exoplanet direct imagers, to measure segment piston, tip, and tilt in the diffraction-limited regime. We introduce a novel analysis scheme of the sensor signal that relies on piston, tip, and tilt estimators for each segment, and provide probabilistic insights to predict the success of a closed-loop correction as a function of the initial wavefront error. The sensor unambiguously and simultaneously retrieves segment piston and tip-tilt misalignment. Our scheme allows for correction of these errors in closed-loop operation down to nearly zero residuals in a few iterations. This sensor also shows low sensitivity to misalignment of its parts and high ability for operation with a relatively bright natural guide star. Our cophasing sensor relies on existing mask technologies that make the concept already available for segmented apertures in future space missions.
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