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Division by zero in common meadows

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 Added by Alban Ponse
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English

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Common meadows are fields expanded with a total inverse function. Division by zero produces an additional value denoted with a that propagates through all operations of the meadow signature (this additional value can be interpreted as an error element). We provide a basis theorem for so-called common cancellation meadows of characteristic zero, that is, common meadows of characteristic zero that admit a certain cancellation law.

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Meadows have been proposed as alternatives for fields with a purely equational axiomatization. At the basis of meadows lies the decision to make the multiplicative inverse operation total by imposing that the multiplicative inverse of zero is zero. Thus, the multiplicative inverse operation of a meadow is an involution. In this paper, we study `non-involutive meadows, i.e. variants of meadows in which the multiplicative inverse of zero is not zero, and pay special attention to non-involutive meadows in which the multiplicative inverse of zero is one.
A meadow is a zero totalised field (0^{-1}=0), and a cancellation meadow is a meadow without proper zero divisors. In this paper we consider differential meadows, i.e., meadows equipped with differentiation operators. We give an equational axiomatization of these operators and thus obtain a finite basis for differential cancellation meadows. Using the Zariski topology we prove the existence of a differential cancellation meadow.
A emph{meadow} is a commutative ring with an inverse operator satisfying $0^{-1}=0$. We determine the initial algebra of the meadows of characteristic 0 and show that its word problem is decidable.
Let $k$ be a field containing an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. If $G$ is a finite group and $D$ is a division algebra over $k$, finite dimensional over its center, we can associate to a faithful $G$-grading on $D$ a normal abelian subgroup $H$, a positive integer $d$ and an element of $Hom(M(H), k^times)^G$, where $M(H)$ is the Schur multiplier of $H$. Our main theorem is the converse: Given an extension $1rightarrow Hrightarrow Grightarrow G/Hrightarrow 1$, where $H$ is abelian, a positive integer $d$, and an element of $Hom(M(H), k^times)^G$, there is a division algebra with center containing $k$ that realizes these data. We apply this result to classify the $G$-simple algebras over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero that admit a division algebra form over a field containing an algebraically closed field.
The aim of this note is to describe the structure of finite meadows. We will show that the class of finite meadows is the closure of the class of finite fields under finite products. As a corollary, we obtain a unique representation of minimal meadows in terms of prime fields.
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