Generalized coordinate transformations for Monte Carlo (DOSXYZnrc and VMC++) verifications of DICOM compatible radiotherapy treatment plans

Abstract in English

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has previously defined standard rotation operators for positive gantry, collimator and couch rotations for the radiotherapy DICOM coordinate system that is commonly used by treatment planning systems. Coordinate transformations to the coordinate systems of commonly used Monte Carlo (MC) codes (BEAMnrc/DOSXYZnrc and VMC++) have been derived and published in the literature. However, these coordinate transformations disregard patient orientation during the computed tomography (CT) scan, and assume the most commonly used head first, supine orientation. While less common, other patient orientations are used in clinics - Monte Carlo verification of such treatments can be problematic due to the lack of appropriate coordinate transformations. In this work, a solution has been obtained by correcting the CT-derived phantom orientation and deriving generalized coordinate transformations for field angles in the DOSXYZnrc and VMC++ codes. The rotation operator that includes any possible patient treatment orientation was determined using the DICOM Image Orientation tag (0020,0037). The derived transformations of the patient image and beam direction angles were verified by comparison of MC dose distributions with the Eclipse treatment planning system, calculated for each of the eight possible patient orientations.
