Quantum charge pumping through fractional Fermions in charge density modulated quantum wires and Rashba nanowires

Abstract in English

We study the phenomenon of adiabatic quantum charge pumping in systems supporting fractionally charged fermionic bound states, in two different setups. The first quantum pump setup consists of a charge-density-modulated quantum wire, and the second one is based on a semiconducting nanowire with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, in the presence of a spatially oscillating magnetic field. In both these quantum pumps transport is investigated in a N-X-N geometry, with the system of interest (X) connected to two normal-metal leads (N), and the two pumping parameters are the strengths of the effective wire-lead barriers. Pumped charge is calculated within the scattering matrix formalism. We show that quantum pumping in both setups provides a unique signature of the presence of the fractional-fermion bound states, in terms of asymptotically quantized pumped charge. Furthermore, we investigate shot noise arising due to quantum pumping, verifying that quantized pumped charge corresponds to minimal shot noise.
