Compton Scattering from uc{6}{Li} at 86 MeV

Abstract in English

Cross sections for uc{6}{Li}($gamma$,$gamma$) uc{6}{Li} have been measured at the High Intensity Gamma-Ray Source (HIGS) and the sensitivity of these cross sections to the nucleon isoscalar polarizabilities was studied. Data were collected using a quasi-monoenergetic 86 MeV photon beam at photon scattering angles of 40$^{circ}$--160$^{circ}$. These results are an extension of a previous measurement at a lower energy. The earlier work indicated that the uc{6}{Li}($gamma$,$gamma$) uc{6}{Li} reaction at 60 MeV provides a means of extracting the nucleon polarizabilities; this work demonstrates that the sensitivity of the cross section to the polarizabilities is increased at 86 MeV. A full theoretical treatment is needed to verify this conclusion and produce values of the polarizabilities.
