The Paneitz-Sobolev constant of a closed Riemannian manifold and an application to the nonlocal $mathbf{Q}$-curvature flow

Abstract in English

In this paper, we establish that: Suppose a closed Riemannian manifold $(M^n,g_0)$ of dimension $geq 8$ is not locally conformally flat, then the Paneitz-Sobolev constant of $M^n$ has the property that $q(g_0)<q(S^n)$. The analogy of this result was obtained by T. Aubin in 1976 and had been used to solve the Yamabe problem on closed manifolds. As an application, the above result can be used to recover the sequential convergence of the nonlocal Q-curvature flow on closed manifolds recently introduced by Gursky-Malchiodi.
