Neutron inelastic scattering has been used to probe the spin dynamics of the quantum (S=1/2) ferromagnet on the pyrochlore lattice Lu2V2O7. Well-defined spin waves are observed at all energies and wavevectors, allowing us to determine the parameters of the Hamiltonian of the system. The data are found to be in excellent overall agreement with a minimal model that includes a nearest- neighbour Heisenberg exchange J = 8:22(2) meV and a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) D =1:5(1) meV. The large DMI term revealed by our study is broadly consistent with the model developed by Onose et al. to explain the magnon Hall effect they observed in Lu2V2O7 [1], although our ratio of D=J = 0:18(1) is roughly half of their value and three times larger than calculated by ab initio methods [2].
The Coulombic quantum spin liquid in quantum spin ice is an exotic quantum phase of matter that emerges on the pyrochlore lattice and is currently actively searched for. Motivated by recent experiments on the Yb-based breathing pyrochlore material Ba$_3$Yb$_2$Zn$_5$O$_{11}$, we theoretically study the phase diagram and magnetic properties of the relevant spin model. The latter takes the form of a quantum spin ice Hamiltonian on a breathing pyrochlore lattice, and we analyze the stability of the quantum spin liquid phase in the absence of the inversion symmetry which the lattice breaks explicitly at lattice sites. Using a gauge mean-field approach, we show that the quantum spin liquid occupies a finite region in parameter space. Moreover, there exists a direct quantum phase transition between the quantum spin liquid phase and featureless paramagnets, even though none of theses phases break any symmetry. At nonzero temperature, we show that breathing pyrochlores provide a much broader finite temperature spin liquid regime than their regular counterparts. We discuss the implications of the results for current experiments and make predictions for future experiments on breathing pyrochlores.
We consider the pyrochlore-lattice quantum Heisenberg ferromagnet and discuss the properties of this spin model at arbitrary temperatures. To this end, we use the Greens function technique within the random-phase (or Tyablikov) approximation as well as the linear spin-wave theory and quantum Monte Carlo simulations. We compare our results to the ones obtained recently by other methods to corroborate our findings. Finally, we contrast our results with the ones for the simple-cubic-lattice case: both lattices are identical at the mean-field level. We demonstrate that thermal fluctuations are more efficient in the pyrochlore case (finite-temperature frustration effects). Our results may be of use for interpreting experimental data for ferromagnetic pyrochlore materials.
We demonstrate that the insulating one-band Hubbard model on the pyrochlore lattice contains, for realistic parameters, an extended quantum spin-liquid phase. This is a three-dimensional spin liquid formed from a highly degenerate manifold of dimer-based states, which is a subset of the classical dimer coverings obeying the ice rules. It possesses spinon excitations, which are both massive and deconfined, and on doping it exhibits spin-charge separation. We discuss the realization of this state in effective S = 1/2 pyrochlore materials with and without spin-orbit coupling.
We use the rotation-invariant Greens function method (RGM) and the high-temperature expansion (HTE) to study the thermodynamic properties of the spin-$S$ Heisenberg ferromagnet on the pyrochlore lattice. We examine the excitation spectra as well as various thermodynamic quantities, such as the order parameter (magnetization), the uniform static susceptibility, the correlation length, the spin-spin correlations, and the specific heat, as well as the static and dynamic structure factors. We discuss the influence of the spin quantum number $S$ on the temperature dependence of these quantities. We compare our results for the pyrochlore ferromagnet with the corresponding ones for the simple-cubic lattice both having the same coordination number $z=6$. We find a significant suppression of magnetic ordering for the pyrochlore lattice due to its geometry with corner-sharing tetrahedra.
Spin liquids are highly correlated yet disordered states formed by the entanglement of magnetic dipoles$^1$. Theories typically define such states using gauge fields and deconfined quasiparticle excitations that emerge from a simple rule governing the local ground state of a frustrated magnet. For example, the 2-in-2-out ice rule for dipole moments on a tetrahedron can lead to a quantum spin ice in rare-earth pyrochlores - a state described by a lattice gauge theory of quantum electrodynamics$^{2-4}$. However, f-electron ions often carry multipole degrees of freedom of higher rank than dipoles, leading to intriguing behaviours and hidden orders$^{5-6}$. Here we show that the correlated ground state of a Ce$^{3+}$-based pyrochlore, Ce$_2$Sn$_2$O$_7$, is a quantum liquid of magnetic octupoles. Our neutron scattering results are consistent with the formation of a fluid-like state of matter, but the intensity distribution is weighted to larger scattering vectors, which indicates that the correlated degrees of freedom have a more complex magnetization density than that typical of magnetic dipoles in a spin liquid. The temperature evolution of the bulk properties in the correlated regime below 1 Kelvin is well reproduced using a model of dipole-octupole doublets on a pyrochlore lattice$^{7-8}$. The nature and strength of the octupole-octupole couplings, together with the existence of a continuum of excitations attributed to spinons, provides further evidence for a quantum ice of octupoles governed by a 2-plus-2-minus rule. Our work identifies Ce$_2$Sn$_2$O$_7$ as a unique example of a material where frustrated multipoles form a hidden topological order, thus generalizing observations on quantum spin liquids to multipolar phases that can support novel types of emergent fields and excitations.