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High-resolution structure of viruses from random diffraction snapshots

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 Added by Peter Schwander
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The advent of the X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) has made it possible to record diffraction snapshots of biological entities injected into the X-ray beam before the onset of radiation damage. Algorithmic means must then be used to determine the snapshot orientations and thence the three-dimensional structure of the object. Existing Bayesian approaches are limited in reconstruction resolution typically to 1/10 of the object diameter, with the computational expense increasing as the eighth power of the ratio of diameter to resolution. We present an approach capable of exploiting object symmetries to recover three-dimensional structure to high resolution, and thus reconstruct the structure of the satellite tobacco necrosis virus to atomic level. Our approach offers the highest reconstruction resolution for XFEL snapshots to date, and provides a potentially powerful alternative route for analysis of data from crystalline and nanocrystalline objects.

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The advent of the X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) has made it possible to record snapshots of biological entities injected into the X-ray beam before the onset of radiation damage. Algorithmic means must then be used to determine the snapshot orientations and reconstruct the three-dimensional structure of the object. Existing approaches are limited in reconstruction resolution to at best 1/30th of the object diameter, with the computational expense increasing as the eighth power of the ratio of diameter to resolution. We present an approach capable of exploiting object symmetries to recover three-dimensional structure to 1/100th of the object diameter, and thus reconstruct the structure of the satellite tobacco necrosis virus to atomic resolution. Combined with the previously demonstrated capability to operate at ultralow signal, our approach offers the highest reconstruction resolution for XFEL snapshots to date, and provides a potentially powerful alternative route for analysis of data from crystalline and nanocrystalline objects.
147 - G. Campi , A. Ricci , 2012
The local structure in high temperature superconductors is nowadays considered a key point for understanding superconductivity mechanism. MgB2 has a well-known simple structure; but its local structure remains quite unexplored. This is due to the fact that typical x-ray local probes, such as EXAFS, fail when used to study local structure of light atoms, such as Mg and B. We used high resolution neutron diffraction with pair distribution function (PDF) analysis for investigating disorder on the atomic scale in the Al doped Mg1-xAlxB2 system. The results indicate an anisotropic structural inhomogeneity along the c-axis that could be related with the delocalized metallic-type bonding between Boron layers.
We present a simple kinetic model for the assembly of small single-stranded RNA viruses that can be used to carry out analytical packaging contests between different types of RNA molecules. The RNA selection mechanism is purely kinetic and based on small differences between the assembly energy profiles. RNA molecules that win these packaging contests are characterized by having a minimum Maximum Ladder Distance and a maximum Wrapping Number.The former is a topological invariant that measures the branchiness of the genome molecule while the latter measures the ability of the genome molecule to maximally associate with the capsid proteins. The model can also be used study the applicability of the theory of nucleation and growth to viral assembly, which breaks down with increasing strength of the RNA-protein interaction.
Single-stranded (ss) RNA viruses self-assemble spontaneously in solutions that contain the viral RNA genome molecules and the viral capsid proteins. The self-assembly of empty capsids can be understood on the basis of free energy minimization of rather simple models. However, during the self-assembly of complete viral particles in the cytoplasm of an infected cell, the viral genome molecules must be selected from a large pool of very similar host messenger RNA molecules. It is known that the assembly process takes the form of preferential heterogeneous nucleation of capsid proteins on viral RNA molecules (selective nucleation). Recently, a simple mathematical model was proposed for the selective nucleation of small ssRNA viruses. In this paper we present a statistical physics analysis of the thermal equilibrium and kinetic properties of that model and show that it can account, at least qualitatively, for numerous observations of the self-assembly of small ssRNA viruses.
We report on the crystallographic structure of the layered compound Pb3Mn7O15. Previous analysis based on laboratory X-ray data at room temperature gave contradictory results in terms of the description of the unit cell. Motivated by recent magnetic bulk measurements of this system, we re-investigated the chemical structure with high-resolution synchrotron powder diffraction at temperatures between 15 K and 295 K. Our results show that the crystal structure of stoichiometric Pb3Mn7O15 has a pronounced 2-dimensional character and can be described in the orthorhombic space group Pnma.
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