Global simulations of magnetorotational turbulence III: influence of field configuration and mass injection

Abstract in English

The stresses produced by magnetorotational turbulence can provide effective angular momentum transport in accretion disks. However, questions remain about the ability of simulated disks to reproduce observationally inferred stress-to-gas-pressure ratios. In this paper we present a set of high resolution global magnetohydrodynamic disk simulations which are initialised with different field configurations: purely toroidal, vertical field lines, and nested poloidal loops. A mass source term is included which allows the total disk mass to equilibrate in simulations with long run times, and also enables the impact of rapid mass injection to be explored. Notably different levels of angular momentum transport are observed during the early-time transient disk evolution. However, given sufficient time to relax, the different models evolve to a statistically similar quasi-steady state with a stress-to-gas-pressure ratio, $alpha sim 0.032-0.036$. The indication from our results is that {it steady, isolated} disks may be unable to maintain a large-scale magnetic field or produce values for the stress-to-gas-pressure ratio implied by some observations. Supplementary simulations exploring the influence of trapping magnetic field, injecting vertical field, and rapidly injecting additional mass into the disk show that large stresses ($alpha sim 0.1-0.25$) can be induced by these mechanisms. The simulations highlight the common late-time evolution and characteristics of turbulent disks for which the magnetic field is allowed to evolve freely. If the boundaries of the disk, the rate of injection of magnetic field, or the rate of mass replenishment are modified to mimic astrophysical disks, markedly different disk evolution occurs.
