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Holographic zero sound at finite temperature in the Sakai-Sugimoto model

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 Added by Matthias Ihl
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English

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In this paper, we study the fate of the holographic zero sound mode at finite temperature and non-zero baryon density in the deconfined phase of the Sakai-Sugimoto model of holographic QCD. We establish the existence of such a mode for a wide range of temperatures and investigate the dispersion relation, quasi-normal modes, and spectral functions of the collective excitations in four different regimes, namely, the collisionless quantum, collisionless thermal, and two distinct hydrodynamic regimes. For sufficiently high temperatures, the zero sound completely disappears, and the low energy physics is dominated by an emergent diffusive mode. We compare our findings to Landau-Fermi liquid theory and to other holographic models.

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In the context of holographic QCD we analyze Sakai-Sugimotos chiral model at finite baryon density and zero temperature. The baryon number density is introduced through compact D4 wrapping S^4 at the tip of D8-bar{D8}. Each baryon acts as a chiral point-like source distributed uniformly over R^3, and leads a non-vanishing U(1)_V potential on the brane. For fixed baryon charge density n_B we analyze the bulk energy density and pressure using the canonical formalism. The baryonic matter with point like sources is always in the spontaneously broken phase of chiral symmetry, whatever the density. The point-like nature of the sources and large N_c cause the matter to be repulsive as all baryon interactions are omega mediated. Through the induced DBI action on D8-bar{D8}, we study the effects of the fixed baryon charge density n_B on the pion and vector meson masses and couplings. Issues related to vector dominance in matter in the context of holographic QCD are also discussed.
352 - Si-wen Li 2017
We extend the holographic analysis of light-baryon spectrum in cite{key-50} to the case involving the heavy flavors. With the construction of the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model in the D0-D4 background, we use the mechanism proposed in cite{key-59,key-60,key-61} by including two light and one heavy flavor branes, to describe the heavy-light baryons as heavy mesons bound to a flavor instanton. The background geometry of this model corresponds to an excited state in the dual field theory with nonzero glue condensate $leftlangle mathrm{Tr}mathcal{F}wedgemathcal{F}rightrangle =8pi^{2}N_{c}tilde{kappa}$, or equivalently a $theta$ angle, which is proportional to the number density of the D0-brane charge. At strongly coupled limit, this model shows that the heavy meson is always bound in the form of the zero mode of the flavor instanton in the fundamental representation. We systematically study the quantization for the effective Lagrangian of heavy-light baryons by employing the soliton picture, and derive the mass spectrum of heavy-light baryons in the situation with single- and double-heavy baryon. We find the difference in the mass spectrum becomes smaller if the density of D0-brane charge increases and the constraint of stable states of the heavy-light baryons is $1<b<3$. It indicates that baryon can not stably exist for sufficiently large density of D0 charge which is in agreement with the conclusions in the previous study of this model.
259 - Wenhe Cai , Si-wen Li 2017
With the construction of the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model in the D0-D4 background, we systematically investigate the holographic baryon spectrum in the case of three flavors. The background geometry in this model is holographically dual to $Uleft(N_{c}right)$ Yang-Mills theory in large $N_{c}$ limit involving an excited state with a nonzero $theta$ angle or glue condensate $leftlangle mathrm{Tr}mathcal{F}wedgemathcal{F}rightrangle =8pi^{2}N_{c}tilde{kappa}$, which is proportional to the charge density of the smeared D0-branes through a parameter $b$ or $tilde{kappa}$. The classical solution of baryon in this model can be modified by embedding the Belavin-Polyakov-Schwarz-Tyupkin (BPST) instanton and we carry out the quantization of the collective modes with this solution. Then we extend the analysis to include the heavy flavor and find that the heavy meson is always bound in the form of the zero mode of the flavor instanton in strong coupling limit. The mass spectrum of heavy-light baryons in the situation with single- and double-heavy baryon is derived by solving the eigen equation of the quantized collective Hamiltonian. Afterwards we obtain that the constraint of stable baryon states has to be $1<b<3$ and the difference in the baryon spectrum becomes smaller as the D0 charge increases. It indicates that quarks or mesons can not form stable baryons if the $theta$ angle or glue condensate is sufficiently large. Our work is an extension of the previous study of this model and also agrees with those conclusions.
We derive the generalized Skyrme model as a low-energy effective model of the Sakai-Sugimoto model. The novelty with the past is the presence of the sextic term equal to the topological charge squared. This term appears when the $omega$ meson, and the tower of states on top of it, are integrated out. We claim that, in the small t Hooft coupling limit, the instanton is well described by a Skyrmion arising from the low energy effective Lagrangian of the Sakai-Sugimoto model. The sextic term plays a dominant role in this limit. Moreover, when a pion mass term is added we recover the BPS Skyrme model in the small t Hooft coupling limit.
Using the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model in the D0-D4 background, we holographically compute the vacuum decay rate of the Schwinger effect in this model. Our calculation contains the influence of the D0-brane density which could be identified as the $theta$ angle or chiral potential in QCD. Under the strong electromagnetic fields, the instability appears due to the creation of quark-antiquark pairs and the associated decay rate can be obtained by evaluating the imaginary part of the effective Euler-Heisenberg action which is identified as the action of the probe brane with a constant electromagnetic field. In the bubble D0-D4 configuration, we find the decay rate decreases when the $theta$ angle increases since the vacuum becomes heavier in the present of the glue condensate in this system. And the decay rate matches to the result in the black D0-D4 configuration at zero temperature limit according to our calculations. In this sense, the Hawking-Page transition of this model could be consistently interpreted as the confined/deconfined phase transition. Additionally there is another instability from the D0-brane itself in this system and we suggest that this instability reflects to the vacuum decay triggered by the $theta$ angle as it is known in the $theta$-dependent QCD.
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