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Hadron spectra from overlap fermions on HISQ gauge configurations

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 Added by Nilmani Mathur
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is English

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Adopting a mixed action approach, we report here results on hadron spectra containing one or more charm quarks. We use overlap valence quarks on a background of 2+1+1 flavor HISQ gauge configurations generated by the MILC collaboration. We also study the ratio of leptonic decay constants, f_Ds*/f_Ds. Results are obtained at two lattice spacings.

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166 - S. Basak , S. Datta , N. Mathur 2014
We present results of our continuing study on mixed-action hadron spectra and decay constants using overlap valence quarks on MILCs 2+1+1 flavor HISQ gauge configurations. This study is carried out on three lattice spacings, with charm and strange masses tuned to their physical values, and with m_l/m_s = 1/5. We present results of an ongoing determination of the mixed-action parameter Delta_{mix}, which enters into chiral formulae for the masses and decay constants.
409 - N. Mathur , A. Alexandru , Y. Chen 2010
We report meson spectra obtained by using valence overlap fermion propagators generated on a background of 2+1 flavor domain wall fermion gauge configurations on 16^3 X 32, 24^3 X 64 and 32^3 X 64 lattices. We use many-to-all correlators with Z3 grid source and low eigenmode substitution which is efficient in reducing errors for the hadron correlators. The preliminary results on meson spectrum, a0 correlators, and charmonium hyperfine splitting for three sea quark masses are reported here.
We present first results from a simulation of quenched overlap fermions with improved gauge field action. Among the quantities we study are the spectral properties of the overlap operator, the chiral condensate and topological charge, quark and hadron masses, and selected nucleon matrix elements. To make contact with continuum physics, we compute the renormalization constants of quark bilinear operators in perturbation theory and beyond.
182 - Y.B. Yang , Y. Chen , A. Alexandru 2014
We take a new approach to determine the scale parameter $r_0$, the physical masses of strange and charm quarks through a global fit which incorporates continuum extrapolation, chiral extrapolation and quark mass interpolation to the lattice data. The charmonium and charm-strange meson spectrum are calculated with overlap valence quarks on $2+1$-flavor domain-wall fermion gauge configurations generated by the RBC and UKQCD Collaboration. We use the masses of $D_s$, $D_s^*$ and $J/psi$ as inputs and obtain $m_c^{overline{rm MS}}(2,{rm GeV})=1.110(24),{rm GeV}$, $m_s^{overline{rm MS}}(2,{rm GeV})=0.104(9),{rm GeV}$ and $r_0=0.458(11),{rm fm}$. Subsequently, the hyperfine-splitting of charmonium and $f_{D_s}$ are predicted to be $112(5),{rm MeV}$ and $254(5),{rm MeV}$, respectively.
The calculation of the strangeness and charmness of the nucleon is presented with overlap fermion action on 2+1 flavor domain wall fermion configurations. We adopt stochastic grid sources and the low mode substitution technique to improve the signals of nucleon correlation functions and the loops. The calculation is done on a $24^3times 64$ lattice with $m_l=0.005$, $m_h=0.04$, and $a^{-1}=1.73,{rm GeV}$. We find $ f_{T_{s}} = 0.048(15)$ and $f_{T_{c}} = 0.029(43)$.
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