Effects of Jets in the Flow Observables

Abstract in English

The transverse momentum anisotropy of the particles produced in heavy ion collisions is one of the most important experimental observable to investigate the collective behavior of the systems created in such collisions. Recent studies show that the complex nature of the system evolution, such as initial condition fluctuations and jets, may lead to important effects in the flow coefficients and, therefore, to misinterpretation of the results obtained. In this study, we used simulated events produced with a hydrodynamic model which allows inhomogeneous initial condition combined with proton-proton collisions produced with the Pythia event generator to create a final set of particles to be analyzed with the usual experimental flow calculation techniques. Although this simplified approach is somehow unrealistic, since it does not include the interaction of the jet with the medium, our results have shown a good agreement of the behavior of the elliptic flow coefficient as a function of the transverse momentum up to 6 GeV/c for Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV. Although each model alone is not able to describe the full range, the combination of both sets of particles as seen by the flow calculation techniques may be the key to explain the behavior observed in experimental data.
