From supernovae to neutron stars

Abstract in English

The gravitational collapse, bounce, the explosion of an iron core of an 11.2 $M_{odot}$ star is simulated by two-dimensional neutrino-radiation hydrodynamic code. The explosion is driven by the neutrino heating aided by multi-dimensional hydrodynamic effects such as the convection. Following the explosion phase, we continue the simulation focusing on the thermal evolution of the protoneutron star up to $sim$70 s when the crust of the neutron star is formed using one-dimensional simulation. We find that the crust forms at high-density region ($rhosim10^{14}$ g cm$^{-3}$) and it would proceed from inside to outside. This is the first self-consistent simulation that successfully follows from the collapse phase to the protoneutron star cooling phase based on the multi-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation.
