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Different Charges in the Same Bunch Train at the European XFEL

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 Added by Yauhen Kot
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In this paper we have investigated the possibility of the operation of different charges in the bunch train for the nominal design of the XFEL injector and for the case that it is extended by an additional laser system on the cathode. We have examined the problem of similarity of beam optical functions for different bunch charges in a train. We report also about the sensitivity of the beam optical functions on the chosen compression scenario and give an overview over the working points for the settings at the injector for single charge operation as well as combined working points for different bunch pairs.

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Harmonic lasing provides an opportunity to extend the photon energy range of existing and planned X-ray FEL user facilities. Contrary to nonlinear harmonic generation, harmonic lasing can generate a much more intense, stable, and narrow-band FEL beam. Another interesting application is Harmonic Lasing Self-Seeding (HLSS) that allows to improve the longitudinal coherence and spectral power of a Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE) FEL. This concept was tested at FLASH in the range of 4.5 - 15 nm and at PAL XFEL at 1 nm. In this paper we present recent results from the European XFEL where we successfully demonstrated harmonic lasing at 5.9 Angstrom and 2.8 Angstrom. In the latter case we obtained both 3rd and 5th harmonic lasing and, for the first time, operated a harmonic lasing cascade (5th-3rd-1st harmonics of the undulator). These results pave the way for reaching very high photon energies, up to 100 keV.
X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFELs) have been proven to generate short and powerful radiation pulses allowing for a wide class of novel experiments. If an XFEL facility supports the generation of two X-ray pulses with different wavelengths and controllable delay, the range of possible experiments is broadened even further to include X-ray-pump/X-ray-probe applications. In this work we discuss the possibility of applying a simple and cost-effective method for producing two-color pulses at the SASE3 soft X-ray beamline of the European XFEL. The technique is based on the installation of a magnetic chicane in the baseline undulator and can be accomplished in several steps. We discuss the scientific interest of this upgrade for the Small Quantum Systems (SQS) instrument, in connection with the high-repetition rate of the European XFEL, and we provide start-to-end simulations up to the radiation focus on the sample, proving the feasibility of our concept.
Techniques like inelastic X-ray scattering (IXS) and nuclear resonance scattering (NRS) are currently limited by the photon flux available at X-ray sources. At $14.4$ keV, third generation synchrotron radiation sources produce a maximum of $10^{10}$ photons per second in a meV bandwidth. In this work we discuss about the possibility of increasing this flux a thousand-fold by exploiting high repetition rate self-seeded pulses at the European XFEL. Here we report on a feasibility study for an optimized configuration of the SASE2 beamline at the European XFEL which combines self-seeding and undulator tapering techniques in order to increase the average spectral flux at $14.4$ keV. In particular, we propose to perform monochromatization at $7.2$ keV with the help of self-seeding, and amplify the seed in the first part of output undulator. The amplification process can be stopped at a position well before saturation, where the electron beam gets considerable bunching at the 2nd harmonic of the coherent radiation. A second part of the output undulator follows, tuned to the 2nd harmonic frequency, i.e. at $14.4$ keV and is used to obtain saturation at this energy. One can further prolong the exchange of energy between the photon and the electron beam by tapering the last part of the output undulator. We performed start-to-end simulations and demonstrate that self-seeding, combined with undulator tapering, allows one to achieve more than a hundred-fold increase in average spectral flux compared with the nominal SASE regime at saturation, resulting in a maximum flux of order $10^{13}$ photons per second in a meV bandwidth.
The usage of x-ray free electron laser (XFEL) in femtosecond nanocrystallography involves sequential illumination of many small crystals of arbitrary orientation. Hence a wide radiation bandwidth will be useful in order to obtain and to index a larger number of Bragg peaks used for determination of the crystal orientation. Considering the baseline configuration of the European XFEL in Hamburg, and based on beam dynamics simulations, we demonstrate here that the usage of corrugated structures allows for a considerable increase in radiation bandwidth. Data collection with a 3% bandwidth, a few microjoule radiation pulse energy, a few femtosecond pulse duration, and a photon energy of 5.4 keV is possible. For this study we have developed an analytical modal representation of the short-range wake function of the flat corrugated structures for arbitrary offsets of the source and the witness particles.
The output SASE characteristics of the baseline European XFEL, recently used in the TDRs of scientific instruments and X-ray optics, have been previously optimized assuming uniform undulators without considering the potential of undulator tapering in the SASE regime. Here we demonstrate that the performance of European XFEL sources can be significantly improved without additional hardware. The procedure simply consists in the optimization of the undulator gap configuration for each X-ray beamline. Here we provide a comprehensive description of the soft X-ray photon beam properties as a function of wavelength and bunch charge. Based on nominal parameters for the electron beam, we demonstrate that undulator tapering allows one to achieve up to a tenfold increase in peak power and photon spectral density in the conventional SASE regime. We illustrate this fact for the SASE3 beamline. The FEL code Genesis has been extensively used for these studies. Based on these findings we suggest that the requirements for the SASE3 instrument (SCS, SQS) and for the SASE3 beam transport system be updated.
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