Assessment of the MERS-CoV epidemic situation in the Middle East region

Abstract in English

The appearance of a novel coronavirus named Middle East (ME) Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) has raised global public health concerns regarding the current situation and its future evolution. Here we propose an integrative maximum likelihood analysis of both cluster data in the ME region and importations in Europe to assess transmission scenario and incidence of sporadic infections. Our approach is based on a spatial-transmission model integrating mobility data worldwide and allows for variations in the zoonotic/environmental transmission and underascertainment. Maximum likelihood estimates for the ME region indicate the occurrence of a subcritical epidemic (R=0.50, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.30-0.77) associated with a 0.28 (95% CI 0.12-0.85) daily rate of sporadic introductions. Infections in the region appear to be mainly dominated by zoonotic/environmental transmissions, with possible underascertainment (95% CI of estimated to observed sporadic cases in the range 1.03-7.32). No time evolution of the situation emerges. Analyses of flight passenger data from the region indicate areas at high risk of importation. While dismissing an immediate threat for global health security, this analysis provides a baseline scenario for future reference and updates, suggests reinforced surveillance to limit underascertainment, and calls for increased alertness in high-risk areas worldwide.
