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Dark Sectors and New, Light, Weakly-Coupled Particles

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 Added by Rouven Essig
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Dark sectors, consisting of new, light, weakly-coupled particles that do not interact with the known strong, weak, or electromagnetic forces, are a particularly compelling possibility for new physics. Nature may contain numerous dark sectors, each with their own beautiful structure, distinct particles, and forces. This review summarizes the physics motivation for dark sectors and the exciting opportunities for experimental exploration. It is the summary of the Intensity Frontier subgroup New, Light, Weakly-coupled Particles of the Community Summer Study 2013 (Snowmass). We discuss axions, which solve the strong CP problem and are an excellent dark matter candidate, and their generalization to axion-like particles. We also review dark photons and other dark-sector particles, including sub-GeV dark matter, which are theoretically natural, provide for dark matter candidates or new dark matter interactions, and could resolve outstanding puzzles in particle and astro-particle physics. In many cases, the exploration of dark sectors can proceed with existing facilities and comparatively modest experiments. A rich, diverse, and low-cost experimental program has been identified that has the potential for one or more game-changing discoveries. These physics opportunities should be vigorously pursued in the US and elsewhere.

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This report, based on the Dark Sectors workshop at SLAC in April 2016, summarizes the scientific importance of searches for dark sector dark matter and forces at masses beneath the weak-scale, the status of this broad international field, the important milestones motivating future exploration, and promising experimental opportunities to reach these milestones over the next 5-10 years.
We identify potentially the worlds most sensitive location to search for millicharged particles in the 10 MeV to 100 GeV mass range: the forward region at the LHC. We propose constructing a scintillator-based experiment, FORward MicrOcharge SeArch (FORMOSA) in this location, and estimate the corresponding sensitivity projection. We show that FORMOSA can discover millicharged particles in a large and unexplored parameter space, and study strongly interacting dark matter that cannot be detected by ground-based direct-detection experiments. The newly proposed LHC Forward Physics Facility (FPF) provides an ideal structure to host the full FORMOSA experiment.
Dark sectors provide a compelling theoretical framework for thermally producing sub-GeV dark matter, and motivate an expansive new accelerator and direct-detection experimental program. We demonstrate the power of constraining such dark sectors using the measured effective number of neutrino species, $N_text{eff}$, from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and primordial elemental abundances from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). As a concrete example, we consider a dark matter particle of arbitrary spin that interacts with the Standard Model via a massive dark photon, accounting for an arbitrary number of light degrees of freedom in the dark sector. We exclude dark matter masses below $sim$ 4 MeV at 95% confidence for all dark matter spins and dark photon masses. These bounds hold regardless of additional new light, inert degrees of freedom in the dark sector, and for dark matter-electron scattering cross sections many orders of magnitude below current experimental constraints. The strength of these constraints will only continue to improve with future CMB experiments.
The proposed LDMX experiment would provide roughly a meter-long region of instrumented tracking and calorimetry that acts as a beam stop for multi-GeV electrons in which each electron is tagged and its evolution measured. This would offer an unprecedented opportunity to access both collider-invisible and ultra-short lifetime decays of new particles produced in electron (or muon)-nuclear fixed-target collisions. In this paper, we show that the missing momentum channel and displaced decay signals in such an experiment could provide world-leading sensitivity to sub-GeV dark matter, millicharged particles, and visibly or invisibly decaying axions, scalars, dark photons, and a range of other new physics scenarios.
Dark Yang-Mills sectors, which are ubiquitous in the string landscape, may be reheated above their critical temperature and subsequently go through a confining first-order phase transition that produces stochastic gravitational waves in the early universe. Taking into account constraints from lattice and from Yang-Mills (center and Weyl) symmetries, we use a phenomenological model to construct an effective potential of the semi quark-gluon plasma phase, from which we compute the gravitational wave signal produced during confinement for numerous gauge groups. The signal is maximized when the dark sector dominates the energy density of the universe at the time of the phase transition. In that case, we find that it is within reach of the next-to-next generation of experiments (BBO, DECIGO) for a range of dark confinement scales near the weak scale.
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