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Generic extensions of the Standard Model that respect baryon and lepton numbers have accidentally stable particles. Typical examples are the lightest exotic neutral fermion, or neutralino, and fields with non-trivial lepton and baryon charges. In this paper we show that an accidentally stable neutralino is a natural dark matter candidate in models with warped extra dimensions. We find that annihilation into other Kaluza-Klein resonances is often allowed and very efficient. The observed dark matter abundance may then be obtained with couplings of order unity and a compactification scale above the TeV. Light dark matter is also possible in the presence of unsuppressed couplings to the Higgs boson. In this latter case direct detection experiments will soon be able to probe a significant portion of the parameter space.
In the context of a warped extra-dimension with Standard Model fields in the bulk, we obtain the general flavor structure of the Higgs couplings to fermions. These couplings will be generically misaligned with respect to the fermion mass matrix, producing large and potentially dangerous flavor changing neutral currents (FCNCs). As recently pointed out in [arXiv:0906.1542], a similar effect is expected from the point of view of a composite Higgs sector, which corresponds to a 4D theory dual to the 5D setup by the AdS-CFT correspondence. We also point out that the effect is independent of the geographical nature of the Higgs (bulk or brane localized), and specifically that it does not go away as the Higgs is pushed towards the IR boundary. The FCNCs mediated by a light enough Higgs (specially their contribution to $epsilon_K$) could become of comparable size as the ones coming from the exchange of Kaluza-Klein (KK) gluons. Moreover, both sources of flavor violation are complementary since they have inverse dependence on the 5D Yukawa couplings, such that we cannot decouple the flavor violation effects by increasing or decreasing these couplings. We also find that for KK scales of a few TeV, the Higgs couplings to third generation fermions could experience suppressions of up to 40% while the rest of diagonal couplings would suffer much milder corrections. Potential LHC signatures like the Higgs flavor violating decays $htomutau$ or $hto tc$, or the exotic top decay channel $tto c h$, are finally addressed.
We study a warped extra-dimension scenario where the Standard Model fields lie in the bulk, with the addition of a fourth family of fermions. We concentrate on the flavor structure of the Higgs couplings with fermions in the flavor anarchy ansatz. Even without a fourth family, these couplings will be generically misaligned with respect to the SM fermion mass matrices. The presence of the fourth family typically enhances the misalignment effects and we show that one should expect them to be highly non-symmetrical in the ${(34)}$ inter-generational mixing. The radiative corrections from the new fermions and their flavor violating couplings to the Higgs affect negligibly known experimental precision measurements such as the oblique parameters and $Zto b {bar b}$ or $Z to mu^+ mu^-$. On the other hand, $Delta F=1,2$ processes, mediated by tree-level Higgs exchange, as well as radiative corrections to $b to s gamma$ and $mu to egamma$ put some generic pressure on the allowed size of the flavor violating couplings. But more importantly, these couplings will alter the Higgs decay patterns as well as those of the new fermions, and produce very interesting new signals associated to Higgs phenomenology in high energy colliders. These might become very important indirect signals for these type of models as they would be present even when the KK mass scale is high and no heavy KK particle is discovered.
We show some phenomenological implications for the dark matter problem of a class of models with deflected anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking in the context of the MSSM. This scenario can be naturally embedded in a brane world model with one compactified extra dimension. It turns out that in these models the neutralino is still the LSP and so a good candidate as cold dark matter. We found that the neutralino is quite a pure bino in almost all the parameter space. Moreover we computed the thermal relic density and we found wide cosmologically allowed regions for the neutralino.
In extra dimensions, the quark and lepton mass hierarchy can be reproduced from the same order bulk mass parameters, and standard model fermion families can be generated from one generation in the high dimensional space. We try to explain the origin of the same order bulk mass parameters and address the family replication puzzle simultaneously. We show that they correlate with each other. We construct models that families are generated from extra dimensional space, and in the meantime the bulk mass parameters of same order emerge naturally. The interesting point is that the bulk mass parameters, which are in same order, correspond to the eigenvalues of a Schr{o}dinger-like equation. We also discuss the problem existing in this approach.
We compute the couplings of the zero modes and first excited states of gluons, $W$s, $Z$ gauge bosons, as well as the Higgs, to the zero modes and first excited states of the third generation quarks, in an RS Gauge-Higgs unification scenario based on a bulk $SO(5)times U(1)_X$ gauge symmetry, with gauge and fermion fields propagating in the bulk. Using the parameter space consistent with electroweak precision tests and radiative electroweak symmetry breaking, we study numerically the dependence of these couplings on the parameters of our model. Furthermore, after emphasizing the presence of light excited states of the top quark, which couple strongly to the Kaluza Klein gauge bosons, the associated collider phenomenology is analyzed. In particular, we concentrate on the possible detection of the first excited state of the top, $t^1$, which tends to have a higher mass than the ones accessible via regular QCD production processes. We stress that the detection of these particles is still possible due to an increase in the pair production of $t^1$ induced by the first excited state of the gluon, $G^1$.