Perspectives for the study of gas in protoplanetary disks and accretion/ejection phenomena in young stars with the near-IR spectrograph SPIROU at the CFHT

Abstract in English

Near-IR atomic and molecular transitions are powerful tools to trace the warm and hot gas in the circumstellar environment of young stars. Ro-vibrational transitions of H2 and H2O, and overtone transitions of CO at 2 micron centered at the stellar velocity trace hot (T~1500 K) gas in the inner few AU of protoplanetary disks. H2 near-IR lines displaying a blueshift of a few km/s probe molecular disk winds. H2 lines presenting blueshifts of hundreds of km/s reveal hot shocked gas in jets. Atomic lines such as the HeI line at 10830 A and the Hydrogen Paschen beta and Brakett gamma lines trace emission from accretion funnel flows and atomic disk winds. Bright forbidden atomic lines in the near-IR of species such as [Fe II], [N I], [S I], [S II], and [C I] trace atomic and ionized material in jets. The new near-IR high resolution spectrograph SPIROU planned for the Canada France Hawaii Telescope will offer the unique capability of combining high-spectral resolution (R~75000) with a large wavelength coverage (0.98 to 2.35 micron) in one single exposure. This will provide us with the means of probing accretion funnel flows, winds, jets, and hot gas in the inner disk simultaneously. This opens the exiting possibility of investigating their combined behavior in time by the means of monitoring observations and systematic surveys. SPIROU will be a powerful tool to progress our understanding of the connexion between the accretion/ejection process, disk evolution, and planet formation.
