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Magnetoacoustic waves in a partially ionized two-fluid plasma

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 Added by Roberto Soler
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Compressible disturbances propagate in a plasma in the form of magnetoacoustic waves driven by both gas pressure and magnetic forces. In partially ionized plasmas the dynamics of ionized and neutral species are coupled due to ion-neutral collisions. As a consequence, magnetoacoustic waves propagating through a partially ionized medium are affected by the ion-neutral coupling. The degree to which the behavior of the classic waves is modified depends on the physical properties of the various species and on the relative value of the wave frequency compared to the ion-neutral collision frequency. Here, we perform a comprehensive theoretical investigation of magnetoacoustic wave propagation in a partially ionized plasma using the two-fluid formalism. We consider an extensive range of values for the collision frequency, ionization ratio, and plasma $beta$, so that the results are applicable to a wide variety of astrophysical plasmas. We determine the modification of the wave frequencies and study the frictional damping due to ion-neutral collisions. Approximate analytic expressions to the frequencies are given in the limit case of strongly coupled ions and neutrals, while numerically obtained dispersion diagrams are provided for arbitrary collision frequencies. In addition, we discuss the presence of cutoffs in the dispersion diagrams that constrain wave propagation for certain combinations of parameters. A specific application to propagation of compressible waves in the solar chromosphere is given.

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We derive self-consistent formalism for the description of multi-component partially ionized solar plasma, by means of the coupled equations for the charged and neutral components for an arbitrary number of chemical species, and the radiation field. All approximations and assumptions are carefully considered. Generalized Ohms law is derived for the single-fluid and two-fluid formalism. Our approach is analytical with some order-of-magnitude support calculations. After general equations are developed we particularize to some frequently considered cases as for the interaction of matter and radiation.
88 - G. Rowlands , M. A. Allen 2006
The equations describing planar magnetoacoustic waves of permanent form in a cold plasma are rewritten so as to highlight the presence of a naturally small parameter equal to the ratio of the electron and ion masses. If the magnetic field is not nearly perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, this allows us to use a multiple-scale expansion to demonstrate the existence and nature of nonlinear wave solutions. Such solutions are found to have a rapid oscillation of constant amplitude superimposed on the underlying large-scale variation. The approximate equations for the large-scale variation are obtained by making an adiabatic approximation and in one limit, new explicit solitary pulse solutions are found. In the case of a perpendicular magnetic field, conditions for the existence of solitary pulses are derived. Our results are consistent with earlier studies which were restricted to waves having a velocity close to that of long-wavelength linear magnetoacoustic waves.
The processes of the coronal plasma heating and cooling were previously shown to significantly affect the dynamics of slow magnetoacoustic (MA) waves, causing amplification or attenuation, and also dispersion. However, the entropy mode is also excited in such a thermodynamically active plasma and is affected by the heating/cooling misbalance too. This mode is usually associated with the phenomenon of coronal rain and formation of prominences. Unlike the adiabatic plasmas, the properties and evolution of slow MA and entropy waves in continuously heated and cooling plasmas get mixed. Different regimes of the misbalance lead to a variety of scenarios for the initial perturbation to evolve. In order to describe properties and evolution of slow MA and entropy waves in various regimes of the misbalance, we obtained an exact analytical solution of the linear evolutionary equation. Using the characteristic timescales and the obtained exact solution, we identified regimes with qualitatively different behaviour of slow MA and entropy modes. For some of those regimes, the spatio-temporal evolution of the initial Gaussian pulse is shown. In particular, it is shown that slow MA modes may have a range of non-propagating harmonics. In this regime, perturbations caused by slow MA and entropy modes in a low-$beta$ plasma would look identically in observations, as non-propagating disturbances of the plasma density (and temperature) either growing or decaying with time. We also showed that the partition of the initial energy between slow MA and entropy modes depends on the properties of the heating and cooling processes involved. The obtained exact analytical solution could be further applied to the interpretation of observations and results of numerical modelling of slow MA waves in the corona and the formation and evolution of coronal rain.
118 - Elena Khomenko 2015
The temperature and density conditions in the magnetized photosphere and chromosphere of the Sun lead to a very small degree of atomic ionization. In addition, at particular height, the magnetic field may be strong enough to give rise to a cyclotron frequency larger than the collisional frequency for some species, while for others the opposite may happen. These circumstances influence the collective behavior of the particles and some of the hypotheses of magnetohydrodynamics may be relaxed, giving rise to non-ideal MHD effects. In this paper we discuss our recent developments in modeling non-ideal plasma effects derived from the presence of a large amount of neutrals in the solar photosphere and the chromosphere, as well as observational consequences of these effects.
In this paper, we show a proof of concept of the heating mechanism of the solar chromosphere due to wave dissipation caused by the effects of partial ionization. Numerical modeling of non-linear wave propagation in a magnetic flux tube, embedded in the solar atmosphere, is performed by solving a system of single-fluid quasi-MHD equations, which take into account the ambipolar term from the generalized Ohms law. It is shown that perturbations caused by magnetic waves can be effectively dissipated due to ambipolar diffusion. The energy input by this mechanism is continuous and shown to be more efficient than dissipation of static currents, ultimately leading to chromospheric temperature increase in magnetic structures.
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