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The Gaia astrophysical parameters inference system (Apsis). Pre-launch description

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 Added by Coryn Bailer-Jones
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The Gaia satellite will survey the entire celestial sphere down to 20th magnitude, obtaining astrometry, photometry, and low resolution spectrophotometry on one billion astronomical sources, plus radial velocities for over one hundred million stars. Its main objective is to take a census of the stellar content of our Galaxy, with the goal of revealing its formation and evolution. Gaias unique feature is the measurement of parallaxes and proper motions with hitherto unparalleled accuracy for many objects. As a survey, the physical properties of most of these objects are unknown. Here we describe the data analysis system put together by the Gaia consortium to classify these objects and to infer their astrophysical properties using the satellites data. This system covers single stars, (unresolved) binary stars, quasars, and galaxies, all covering a wide parameter space. Multiple methods are used for many types of stars, producing multiple results for the end user according to different models and assumptions. Prior to its application to real Gaia data the accuracy of these methods cannot be assessed definitively. But as an example of the current performance, we can attain internal accuracies (RMS residuals) on F,G,K,M dwarfs and giants at G=15 (V=15-17) for a wide range of metallicites and interstellar extinctions of around 100K in effective temperature (Teff), 0.1mag in extinction (A0), 0.2dex in metallicity ([Fe/H]), and 0.25dex in surface gravity (logg). The accuracy is a strong function of the parameters themselves, varying by a factor of more than two up or down over this parameter range. After its launch in November 2013, Gaia will nominally observe for five years, during which the system we describe will continue to evolve in light of experience with the real data.

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The second Gaia data release (Gaia-DR2) contains, beyond the astrometry, three-band photometry for 1.38 billion sources. We have used these three broad bands to infer stellar effective temperatures, Teff, for all sources brighter than G=17 mag with Teff in the range 3000-10 000 K (161 million sources). Using in addition the parallaxes, we infer the line-of-sight extinction, A_G, and the reddening, E[BP-RP], for 88 million sources. Together with a bolometric correction we derive luminosity and radius for 77 million sources. These quantities as well as their estimated uncertainties are part of Gaia-DR2. Here we describe the procedures by which these quantities were obtained, including the underlying assumptions, comparison with literature estimates, and the limitations of our results. Typical accuracies are of order 324 K (Teff), 0.46 mag (A_G), 0.23 mag (E[BP-RP]), 15% (luminosity), and 10% (radius). Being based on only a small number of observable quantities and limited training data, our results are necessarily subject to some extreme assumptions that can lead to strong systematics in some cases (not included in the aforementioned accuracy estimates). One aspect is the non-negativity contraint of our estimates, in particular extinction. Yet in several regions of parameter space our results show very good performance, for example for red clump stars and solar analogues. Large uncertainties render the extinctions less useful at the individual star level, but they show good performance for ensemble estimates. We identify regimes in which our parameters should and should not be used and we define a clean sample. Despite the limitations, this is the largest catalogue of uniformly-inferred stellar parameters to date. More precise and detailed astrophysical parameters based on the full BP/RP spectrophotometry are planned as part of the third Gaia data release.
In this paper we present the Low Frequency Instrument (LFI), designed and developed as part of the Planck space mission, the ESA program dedicated to precision imaging of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Planck-LFI will observe the full sky in intensity and polarisation in three frequency bands centred at 30, 44 and 70 GHz, while higher frequencies (100-850 GHz) will be covered by the HFI instrument. The LFI is an array of microwave radiometers based on state-of-the-art Indium Phosphide cryogenic HEMT amplifiers implemented in a differential system using blackbody loads as reference signals. The front-end is cooled to 20K for optimal sensitivity and the reference loads are cooled to 4K to minimise low frequency noise. We provide an overview of the LFI, discuss the leading scientific requirements and describe the design solutions adopted for the various hardware subsystems. The main drivers of the radiometric, optical and thermal design are discussed, including the stringent requirements on sensitivity, stability, and rejection of systematic effects. Further details on the key instrument units and the results of ground calibration are provided in a set of companion papers.
134 - Michael Zemcov 2019
Astrophysical measurements away from the 1 AU orbit of Earth can enable several astrophysical science cases that are challenging or impossible to perform from Earthbound platforms, including: building a detailed understanding of the extragalactic background light throughout the electromagnetic spectrum; measurements of the properties of dust and ice in the inner and outer solar system; determinations of the mass of planets and stellar remnants far from luminous stars using gravitational microlensing; and stable time-domain astronomy. Though potentially transformative for astrophysics, opportunities to fly instrumentation capable of these measurements are rare, and a mission to the distant solar system that includes instrumentation expressly designed to perform astrophysical science, or even one primarily for a different purpose but capable of precise astronomical investigation, has not yet been flown. In this White Paper, we describe the science motivations for this kind of measurement, and advocate for future flight opportunities that permit intersectional collaboration and cooperation to make these science investigations a reality.
Context: The first Gaia data release (DR1) delivered a catalogue of astrometry and photometry for over a billion astronomical sources. Within the panoply of methods used for data exploration, visualisation is often the starting point and even the guiding reference for scientific thought. However, this is a volume of data that cannot be efficiently explored using traditional tools, techniques, and habits. Aims: We aim to provide a global visual exploration service for the Gaia archive, something that is not possible out of the box for most people. The service has two main goals. The first is to provide a software platform for interactive visual exploration of the archive contents, using common personal computers and mobile devices available to most users. The second aim is to produce intelligible and appealing visual representations of the enormous information content of the archive. Methods: The interactive exploration service follows a client-server design. The server runs close to the data, at the archive, and is responsible for hiding as far as possible the complexity and volume of the Gaia data from the client. This is achieved by serving visual detail on demand. Levels of detail are pre-computed using data aggregation and subsampling techniques. For DR1, the client is a web application that provides an interactive multi-panel visualisation workspace as well as a graphical user interface. Results: The Gaia archive Visualisation Service offers a web-based multi-panel interactive visualisation desktop in a browser tab. It currently provides highly configurable 1D histograms and 2D scatter plots of Gaia DR1 and the Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution (TGAS) with linked views. An innovative feature is the creation of ADQL queries from visually defined regions in plots. [abridged]
The Gaia-ESO Survey is a large public spectroscopic survey that aims to derive radial velocities and fundamental parameters of about 10^5 Milky Way stars in the field and in clusters. Observations are carried out with the multi-object optical spectrograph FLAMES, using simultaneously the medium resolution (R~20,000) GIRAFFE spectrograph and the high resolution (R~47,000) UVES spectrograph. In this paper, we describe the methods and the software used for the data reduction, the derivation of the radial velocities, and the quality control of the FLAMES-UVES spectra. Data reduction has been performed using a workflow specifically developed for this project. This workflow runs the ESO public pipeline optimizing the data reduction for the Gaia-ESO Survey, performs automatically sky subtraction, barycentric correction and normalisation, and calculates radial velocities and a first guess of the rotational velocities. The quality control is performed using the output parameters from the ESO pipeline, by a visual inspection of the spectra and by the analysis of the signal-to-noise ratio of the spectra. Using the observations of the first 18 months, specifically targets observed multiple times at different epochs, stars observed with both GIRAFFE and UVES, and observations of radial velocity standards, we estimated the precision and the accuracy of the radial velocities. The statistical error on the radial velocities is sigma~0.4 km s^-1 and is mainly due to uncertainties in the zero point of the wavelength calibration. However, we found a systematic bias with respect to the GIRAFFE spectra (~0.9 km s^-1) and to the radial velocities of the standard stars (~0.5 kms^-1) retrieved from the literature. This bias will be corrected in the future data releases, when a common zero point for all the setups and instruments used for the survey will be established.
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